Kenetrek Boots

Picked out my Birthday Present.


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2010
I didn't realize I was so much like NoHarleyYet

We like the same music, we have similar tastes in beer, now I find out we like the same model handgun.....

Must be a Bromance....

This Sweetheart gets to come home with me at the end of the month. I told my girlfriend she can wrap it up and give it to me when i blow out 48 candles.

This is truly the first BRAND NEW firearm I've picked out and bought in my lifetime. (Not counting the .223 Rifle I won at a CWA raffle)

SW model 66.jpg
My 4 inch .357 is by far the loudest weapon in my safe. It's so loud people at public ranges complain about it.

Make sure you and yours have good hearing protection.

Oh, AND Happy Birthday!!!
Hmm... I like this trend you guys started of a new revolver on your birthday. I'll have to wait to August to play along. Enjoy!