Yeti GOBOX Collection


Thank you for this. Very inspiring!

My grandmother came to America from Lithuania, the men in her life where all shot dead. A Russian thing. She arrived with her two children on the last voyage of the ship Queen Marry. My mother married a US army man. Produced three boys, and at a very early age, raised them by herself. A singal mother. We lived in two bedroom apartments growing up. Me, my brothers sharing one room. My brothers and I had no male influence going up. we were street kids. California, Ohio, Florida. Each place offered experience and learning. I am a first generation American. There is no privilege. Life was rough, but attitude is everything. Have my own kids and grand children now. I am an influential grandfather. A great crop of kids are coming!

That’s awesome! That type of upbringing is becoming rarer. I grew up sharing a room with my three brothers and never thought twice about it.