Over Annealed Cases?


Active member
Jan 23, 2022
Northwest Colorado
I worked up a load for my 6.5 PRC that was amazing. Hornady cases, 57.2 Grains H1000, 147 Grain ELD-M shooting 2970 FPS with under 10 FPS E/S shooting Sub .25 MOA. The thing was an absolute tack driver. I took it out and shot cinder blocks from 850 to just over a thousand yards pretty easily. Then being the kind of person I am and never being satisfied I jumped on the internet and started reading about the annealing process in more depth. I read a number of articles talking about over annealing brass. Everything they said was bad, I was doing. As with everything reloading related, its seems to be 50/50 on what's acceptable and what's not. I changed my annealing process and annealed 50 cases. I loaded 3 of them the exact same way as I have all along and shot them to see the difference. I could immediately tell a difference in the bullet seating force being way more inconstant than it was before. E/S jumped up to over 70 FPS. I have a pretty basic RCBS setup with RCBS Dies. Ive decided to just make an annealer out of a motor and speed controller to get much more repeatable results than the drill and torch. My question is: Is there a way I can harden the brass Ive already annealed so that I can anneal all of it 100% the same way WITHOUT loading and shooting all of them?
I over annealed about 100 cases with a torch and drill. .005 neck tension and I could push the bullet into the case with a finger. I use a friends amp annealer now.
You could try a neck bushing then expander about a dozen times but I'm tossing mine.
Everything I ever annealed with a drill and torch shot just wonderfully. Yes I over did it a few times. Still never had any trouble with the results though.
I'll never understand spending hundreds of dollars on a machine that does nothing for accuracy, especially on a hunting round level. Annealing is the Starbucks of reloading

For cartridges that I fireform, or cartridges that I put extensive time into brass prep for, or cartridges that I have necked down, I anneal occasionally for the dramatically extended case life. If I was just grabbing a standard 30-06 and doing minimal brass prep.. . Meh, I can just get new brass.
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