Yeti GOBOX Collection

Out of touch with the common man ...

I shouldnt really reply to this crap...but...

There are many facts that are left out of those kind of videos/propaganda.

Anyone that thinks we dont have enough open motorized access doesnt spend much time out in the woods. Its flat ridiculous how much easy access there is, stupid ridiculous.

Maybe in that video they should bring up how much total mass is under wilderness or roadless designation as well as the totals that are open to some sort of motorized access.

The problem is that the OHV crowd has had their way for a long time and have created thousands of miles of illegal trails. Now that they're being taken to task for their past track record, they whine, cry, and stomp their feet. Further, the OHV crowd has largely done a completely crap job of policing their own, educating their own, and coming up with funding for same. They whine and cry about buying a OHV sticker and feel that should cover maintenance costs of trails, pay for enforcement, signing, etc. etc.

The other major problem is that the "common man" is screaming constantly that the BLM, FS, NPS, etc. need to have their budgets cut. Those comments have made their way to the D.C. and funding, as well as personel, are being cut significantly. The last 10 years have seen downsizing, loss of adequate funding, and tough decisions being made on what FS/BLM/NPS programs need to be cut. Maintaining roads and trails are some of the first cut, simple as that. Management, maintainence, enforcement, etc. cost money, a lot of money, and the money simply isnt there. Further, the gap in funding is not being made up by OHV groups or any kind of user based fees.

I can tell you for 100% certainity that funding, or lack there-of, is a MAJOR contributer in the decision making process for road closures, seasonal restrictions, etc.

I believe that there are some solutions, but until the managing agencies are being adequately funded, I would expect more and more closures.

While on your crusade to keep roads open for public use, be sure to ask your congressmen/senators to fund the managing agencies responsible for maintaining those roads/trails and those saddled with enforcing illegal OHV use.
That video makes my head hurt, guess I am not the common man. Guns, God and Glory.

I'd like to give Carl Adams a nuggie.
For christ's sake their bitching about roads being closed, then, they bitch because the roads open (that shouldn't be) aren't being maintained. They showed a picture of a vehicle that the limbs scratched up. Come on give me a break.

The invention of the ATV, has been the forests worse nightmare.

They claim to want multiple use, but really don't care about anything other that ripping around in the forests.

I agree with the parts where they show camp ground sites being closed. That's wrong, and should be righted. I'd like to see those areas protected as much as possible, but open for camping. They want us to use their pay camp grounds and that's it.
I think I must be off base as well. I am tired of walking into wilderness areas only to find quad trails. I like ridding quads as much as the next guy but I am all for taking a little bit of the forest back to walk in only. I don't think the road closures hurt nearly as much as they help. JMO
They have done some pretty goofy things down here in AZ. Some roads you are required to camp within 30 feet, other roads no farther than 300 feet. None are posted. In the Coconino, they have closed 2/3 of the roads, but are posting none. You are required to get a map from the forest service that shows only open roads and know which unnumbered road you are on. Since the travel management plan went into effect, most people are unaware or ingoring the closures. The Forest Service says they will start citing people Memorial Day weekend. The Arizona Elk Society tried fighting against the TMP and then at least tried to put some sense to it for the past 3 or 4 years without any luck. We have had the same experience as was described in the video. Road closure decisions were made without any on the ground knowledge of what was being done. Road management by looking at a map without putting a foot on the ground and ignoring input from those with the knowledge. Everyone knows how I feel. Let the locals manage their own resources and have the people in DC tell Marion Barry which roads his people can and can't drive on.
Sagebrush you are correct sir. Locals should manage their'' own'' resources,city parks ,schools,city and county roads,fire and police dept's. Oh bye the way that does not include National forest locals get no more say than anyone else .
Thanks for your input, Sagebrush!

I appreciate the comments made by all of you, but you're not living here in Arizona. We see the things happening here as a frightening step in what those back in Washington and those outside the hunting/fishing community want to accomplish long-term! Some road closings I support, but the highly disorganized mess being jammed down our throats here in Arizona's public forests is something I never thought I'd see (as already mentioned, the camping restrictions are absolutely ridiculous). Sagebrush's comments summarize why I posted the original link --- it'd probably be best not to post the true intensity of my feelings ...

P.S. I am NOT in the 4-wheeler camp --- I drive a 4-wheel pick-up and hunt on foot

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