Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

ORVs, 40 years ago


Dec 23, 2000
While doing an internet search for a different report, I came across this gem. These are the proceedings of the 40th annual Convention of the Association of Midwest Fish and Wildlife Commissioners, 1973. On pages 37-46 is a presentation by the Colorado representative about the increased use of ORVs on public lands, the concerns about such use, and steps being taken to rein them in. It doesn't look like we have made it very far in 40 years........:W:

I wonder what sort of primitive writing tool that was recorded with?

I first went to page 37 in the pdf (p 32 of the doc.) where there is a discussion with NRA on how to insulate us from the "attack we are undergoing from the anti-hunting groups."

page 47... offroaders are taking down "road closed" signs at an alarming rate. About the only thing that has changed is we outlawed that beer tab thingy everyone used to throw on the ground.
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Optional thread titles;:D

..no particular order

1. Anti hunters smart, organized, and growing
2. Boolsheit still walks
3. NRA, first your leg hold traps then your grenade launchers
4. BMW riders don't like Harleys
5. Typewriters will always be indespensible
1.2 million new ATVs are sold annually, up 25% from 10 years ago. I'm not against them, my Dad has to use one to hunt, but as we appear to get dumber as a nation I have little hope for stopping jackasses in that video above.

Time to start carrying a bag of sugar in my pack.
3 more months probation and I can tell you what not to do when you find an ATV on the wrong side of the gate.
3 more months probation and I can tell you what not to do when you find an ATV on the wrong side of the gate.

You have the option of telling the story in third person or like Rickey Henderson would tell it.

...or wait three months.
3 more months probation and I can tell you what not to do when you find an ATV on the wrong side of the gate.

I believe I was out scouting for deer and answering texts from Randy about him being in town and wanting to get dinner, and from you about what to do about the ATV behind the gate. Shouldn't have listened to me!:D
I believe I was out scouting for deer and answering texts from Randy about him being in town and wanting to get dinner, and from you about what to do about the ATV behind the gate. Shouldn't have listened to me!:D

Nah, I'm a big boy and can make my bed and sleep in it!