Caribou Gear

One of those days I'd like to forget


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
Started elk hunting for myself on November 1.

Good start, found 7 bulls right away from a long distance, one was a decent 6 point with a busted 4th, around 300 or so.

That evening, bumped into a decent herd with these two bulls. Photo's were taken from 175-210 yards to the very farthest bull. Two decent ones in there, I'm guessing 320 for both. Super easy shot, super easy packout but on the evening of day one, all I had to do was squeeze the trigger. But, why get in a hurry on day one?

Bull #1



Bull #2


Yesterday, went again with a buddy that has the same tag.

He found this bull during archery season:



Right away in the morning I find this bull, we talk it over, guess he's 330-340 decide to watch where he goes. He got into some thick juniper and we glassed for another hour not seeing any bulls.


We decide to move to a different spot and head back down the 2-track. Just as we were tipping off the ridge I see 5 bulls walking right toward us. We stop and I took one look at the last bull in line and knew right off it was a bull that needed shot.

My buddy said, "I think that's the bull I hunted during archery" I told him to go ahead. We got out and the elk were now just below us and walking right toward us.

Here he is at 480 yards when I first saw him, no doubt the same bull my friend saw during archery season.


To this point, its looking like a slam dunk. Long story short the bull walks up to about 200 yards, some malfunctions start occurring with a bipod, a bolt handle, and 3 missed shots later...its all over but the pouting.

I was so confident my buddy was going to get that thing killed, I never even took my rifle out of the case. Probably didn't make the best choice there.

Looked over the country that bull disappeared into last night, turned up a solid 320 type 6 point with perfect antlers that we could have killed pretty easily, but not the bigger one.

Plus side is, lots of season left and I have the whole month off.
Bummer on your buddy's miss. Bet no one can kick him as hard as himself.
Best to the rest of your month.
Plus side is, lots of season left and I have the whole month off
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'd like to kill my guidance counselor lol. Could be worse beats the shit out of a good day at work. Plenty of time left.
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