One look and you say to yourself, "Oh crap"


Jan 24, 2025
Most everyone can remember a time when all it took was a single glance and you knew trouble was coming. I remember the time many years ago when I went with a good friend and landowner to help another landowner load a cow and her calf to take to the market. Now, I wasn't raised around cattle and still have a lot to learn about them. But I learned that day those who do can look at a bull or cow and know immediately their current frame of mind. I heard my friend make that infamous comment as soon as he stepped out of his truck and caught his first look at the cow. She would spend the next half hour chasing us around that pasture as we did our best to load her and her calf.
I wasn’t thinking cattle about this until I read your story.

Over the years and several hundred or thousands of different cows that have ran on pastures around here a decent amount of them were what I call “high headed”. I like cows with enough vigor and attitude to be good moms. I’ve been bumped, butted, snot blown on, everything else while tagging a calf. That doesn’t bother me. But you are exactly right, there’s a bellar, and a look in the eye of a cow to know her intentions. I had 1 cow years ago that sticks out. 58Z, a red baldie. Fantastic cow, you could walk up and pet her anytime other than when she had a calf less than a month old and you were around it. She’d cleaned my clock once before. So i told everyone to leave her calf alone, we’d tag it when we worked them later. But….

Nice spring day this time of year, cows had their babies hid, they were scattered out on the stalks. I find her calf on the edge of a steep ditch, I make a big loop to trick her, I put my father in law in charge of being a lookout. She’s 250 yards away, all is gonna go well. I hop on the calf, it bawls, I have plenty of time. Then I drop the tagger. At that moment I thought I’d better just give up and get outta here. Nope I’m tagging this calf just to make her mad. My FIL lets out a war whoop, I still have 30 seconds, calf is tagged I’m done. I start up the starting to thaw mud in the ditch and I heard THE bellar. Not the I’m gonna come paw the ground and blow snot bellar, the I’m gonna kill you and grind you into burger bellar. You can sidestep a bull, they close their eyes before they hit you, a cow hell bent on hitting you won’t. She got to me at the top of the ditch and tried to trample me all the way to the bottom. If not for a couple small trees I could grab to pull myself up out of her reach I would’ve gotten tore up. So from then on the 100 or so calves roaming around on stalks there was 1 without a tag every year until 58Z went to the big pasture in the sky.