I saw this buck briefly this morning and knew he was old for our ranch. He’s been spotted on a few game cams and everyone agreed he was at least 5 years old - very rare for our ranch. So I went back to the same stand and was set up by 3:00 pm. Temperature was close to 80 today in this part of Texas so it was a bit painful but clearly worth it. So right at about 3:30 he comes in from my right and walks behind a mesquite thicket no more than 30 yards from where I am set up and…beds down. I sat there and watched this buck for the better part of an hour before he stood up and started walking away from me. He got to about the 55 yard mark, turned broadside, and I let the hammer fall.
55ish yards with my Freedom Arms M97 in 41 magnum. Hand loaded 210 XTP over H110. Complete pass through and a solid heart shot. He made it about 35 yards before calling it quits. The optic is a Vortex Venom 3MOA on a factory FA mount.
Heckuva day.

55ish yards with my Freedom Arms M97 in 41 magnum. Hand loaded 210 XTP over H110. Complete pass through and a solid heart shot. He made it about 35 yards before calling it quits. The optic is a Vortex Venom 3MOA on a factory FA mount.
Heckuva day.