official spud

choc dogs

Well-known member
Apr 12, 2006
ok, i've gotten the move made, and am now in boise (it's cools down at night) I hope that sometime this summer I can meet some of ya'll, and maybe even share breakfast while watching water this fall. Thanks for the welcome everyone.

choc dogs, this place really sucks doesn't it? Just kidding! I don't remember where you moved from off hand but welcome to the Treasure Valley. Just curious, what's with "watching water" in the fall? At any rate, enjoy the 4 seasons at least!
well, since I moved from oklahoma, and there are no ducks in oklahoma, we spend the winter watching decoys floating, sipping coffee, and smoking cigars, all the while scratching the dogs behind the ears.I don't think that is going to work here, there might be flying birds to interrupt the tranquility, and it's difficult to float decoys if the water is frozen.
"and it's difficult to float decoys if the water is frozen."

You're in the "banana belt" of Idaho, you will have plenty of open water on that side of the state. If you want to hunt over ice you need to come over to the eastern regions.

It shouldn't be too difficult for ya to find some spots to make the water go "splash"!

I got your message, how many pounds of goose do ya want and where do I ship it?

I just moved to Boise this week as well. Love it already. The wife and kids are still back in AZ for several more weeks. I can already tell my wife's going to love this place also.

I was out at Lucky Peak Resevoir this morning for the Spudman Triathlon. There's gotta be some chukar in those hills. Can you hunt out there? If so, it probably gets hammered...?

We had a couple quail in the front yard today too. The dog was pointing them through the window. There seems to be more valley quail running around Boise than gambles quail running around Phx.

Now which ID license place should I get? Hmmmmm...
license place
plate ... ;)

YAH there are like 20 Different plates or more you can get now. It's like gonig to a Fast food place , "YAh, I'll have the red and blue one wit hthe Fire truck on the left side and I want it to say 'SpudStud' " .. ;)

Holey Crap, there is alot of you guys moving here. Hopefully we're not competeing for the Same Duckblind this fall :D

I feel a Hunttalk party later this summer is in order.... ?!?!
I'm pretty sure a hunttalk get together is in order this late summer,except that it can't be a game feed, I can't participate, unless my part is to bring beer, there are a bunch of us that have just moved, and yeah, you have to share a duckblind with me this fall, but I'll make breakfast, AND bring the coffee. I went to lucky peak too, and took the boy up walking on the foothills, it was almost enough to wear him out, next time, the pup comes too since it's probably late enough we won't disturb nests.
Well, you guys can't hold it against me for moving to Boise since I'm coming from AZ and they have the same influx of out-of-staters going on as ID. :D

What's the deal with snakes around here? When is it not safe to turn the dogs loose in the hills?

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