Well-known member
Hold on there pilgrim, uncock the gun and let me explain myself.You did not read your reloading manual!!
Otherwise you'd have seen that heavier bullets use less powder!
And 168gr are not "heavy".
The 195gr Berger and 197gr Sierra are heavy!! Lol
Then there is which 168gr Berger?
Classic Hunter?
The Classic Hunter is very forgiving with jump.
The VLD is not. I found the VLD likes it right up on the lands with all my rifles.
I did read the book. I decided to start hotter purposely from 62.5g (starting charge) to 64g of H1000. Why, I couldn’t tell you. Probably cuz I was curious. I did not load the max charge of 69.5g because I felt like that wasn’t going to be the right charge. I stopped at 67g, and rightfully so.

Got me on a typo with heavy. So yes, while not heavy, it’s a heavier bullet than what I’ve been using for the 7 mag. I should have said heavier.
This particular box was VLDs. I haven’t found the lands on the 7 mag yet. I bought them because I couldn’t find Barnes unless I went to a store. When I did find them, I found the bergers as well. I’ve said in the past that I like heavier bullets and these seemed to fit the bill, so now at least I can load a lot of reliable Barnes and have a load to hunt with this spring while I play around with some Bergers.