Caribou Gear Tarp

Obama Care?????


Active member
Dec 1, 2009
I was talking to an older gentleman this morning and he was telling me about how there is a portion of OBAMACARE that is going to add a federal tax on all hunting permits.... Does anyone know anything about this I have started doing some research online but am not coming up with much......

figured that BEN would know something about this if not many more of you on here.

so thanks in advance for any info....
Of course it's B.S. but that seldom stops this kind of crap from being spread around.
While there are several taxes and fees and even fantom revenue streams contained in the PPACA law, there is no tax on permits in it. I work in the health insurance industry and have attended hours and hours of meetings and webinars about what the bill does contain and what is not in it.

The Federal government has no say on hunting permits as they are all issued at the State level.

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While there are several taxes and fees and even fantom revenue streams contained in the PPACA law, there is no tax on permits in it. I work in the health insurance industry and have attend hours and hours of meetings and webinars about what the bill does contain and what is not in it.

The Federal government has no say on hunting permits as they are all issued at the State level.

Did those hours spent in meetings/webinars have you feeling good about it? From what little I know about it, I sure as heck don't... :confused:
Did those hours spent in meetings/webinars have you feeling good about it? From what little I know about it, I sure as heck don't... :confused:

I agree. Whats your stance on it nemont considering your more informed on the bill than 95% of people out there?
Why jump ugly on someone for asking a question? Remember this was the bill that had to be passed before we could find out whats in it. If you know the answer than give it, otherwise you are no different than anyone else speculating.
Not certain my opinion on PPACA adds much to this thread

My opinion is that what we are currently doing is unsustainable. So something needs to be done. My main issue with PPACA is that it takes nearly everything that I view as problems in our current system and codifies them into law. The numbers contained in the law to get the score from the CBO to make it work are highly suspect and it doesn't include the Medicare "Doc Fix" in addition it continues to count revenue from CLASS Act as going to pay for PPACA even though the CLASS Act was already repealed. It also continues to count revenue from the 1099 requirement even though it has been repealed.

It overstates the savings from fraud, waste and abuse and understates the rapidly increasing cost of the Baby Boomers who are aging into medicare.

The challenge is there is not a single politician who will wade into the health care for another 10 years or until the system completely collapses. We need to do somethings now but nobody is willing to do the heavy lifting to get it done.

Until the American people admit to themselves that there is no free market for health care and that people are going to demand services whether they have insurance or not then not much will change. The biggest problem is that right now 85% of people are covered in our current system and alot of those have no interest in giving up what they currently have.

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