
No Shooting Within A Quarter-Mile Of A Structure

A quarter mile is excessive in my opinion. Especially for a shotgun. There is a lot of lost whitetail and turkey hunting because people are building right next to the boundaries of state lands. The restriction on national forest lands is 150 feet, and that sounds a lot more reasonable.
I saw a similar law on a game warden TV program used to prosecute a homeowner who was baiting within a certain distance of his house, and likely shooting from very close to his house. In that case it seemed pretty ridiculous as it was private.

How far do you have to be from a structure to shoot a cross bow?

So if I was the homeowner I couldn't legally shoot or shoot at a coyote from my kitchen window?
So if I was the homeowner I couldn't legally shoot or shoot at a coyote from my kitchen window?
How close is your house from your neighbor, the road, is it in a city with shooting or noise ordinances, and do you have an HOA?
How close is your house from your neighbor, the road, is it in a city with shooting or noise ordinances, and do you have an HOA?

Here in Iowa I believe that you can't discharge a firearm within 250 yards of a [occupied?] structure. In town tough to do. In the country not so much. So if I w as a rural homeowner with no neighbors within a half mile could I get arrested for shooting a coyote out of my kitchen window if a county mountie happened to be driving by? I suppose technically he could be right, but practically he'd be a nuisance.
You would be fine, the language you are over looking is with our permission if the owner. As the owner you have permission, if you had neighbors on either side and then a huge piece of state behind your house, and the three of you all gave each other permission to go wild on coyotes you would be legal.
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