NM Land & Water Conservation Fund.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2015
Well NM finally has some form of help for folks who want to conserve our resources.

The Land & Water Conservation Fund passed and was signed. $100 mil start to help fund projects across the state on public and private lands, mostly private lands I hope. Bipatisan support.
The Western Landowners Alliance of which I am a member nominally , supported it.
Folks who want to restore rangelands, wetlands ,etc and work with wildlife and the public.

I need to find the final bill to see what is what. I am hopeful....that this is not going to be a slushfund for the few.
So out of the fund:

22.5% to ERD
22.5% to the Board of Regents of NM State University
10% to Department of Environment
15% to Economic Development Department
8% to Cultural Affairs
22% to Game and Fish

Looks like there are certain projects or programs the money is supposed to be used for, but each Department will ultimately decide how their piece of the pie is used. Should all be totally above board and handled appropriately...