NM 5x5 Bull Elk..


New member
Nov 30, 2004
Grants New Mexico
NM 5x5 Bull Elk..(pics are on now)

:D whats going on fellow hunters... i am new here just thought i would share my 2004 elk hunt story with you all. Well it all started on October 9th, my much anticipated Muzzleloader bull elk hunt in westcentral New Mexico. Well opening morning i went to hunt an area where during the September bow hunt my dad and myself had called in some big bulls. But could not get them to come into bow range but they were perfect Muzzloader range. I slowly walked in along an old logging road. I came around the first distinct corner and to my surprise and theirs i jumped a mother cow and here yearling calf. I knew this was gonna be a good hunt. I stayed playing with those two elk for a while then decided i better leave them and go find Daddy. After walking and walking and walking somemore i was getting discouraged. I had not heard a noise and did not see no more animals.

Around noon or so i called it a morning and went back to town to pick up my girlfriend so we could go check out another area. I had known this area to be excellent big game country but i had not had the chance to scout it out before my hunt. When we arrived at our destination we got ready for the evening hunt by doing my ritual spraying of scent shield and having a talk with my girlfriend explaining my plans for this evening hunt. We followed through with the plan hiking about 2 miles along an old trail use mostly by 4wheelers. Along the way i noticed heavy amounts of elk track and tons of rubs. I knew we had found a herd of elk here and it was only a matter of time till we seen them. Slowly we tracked along till we came to the end of the road. I let off a few short cow chirps and heard nothing, then a few more followed by a long but mellow bugle. Then we heard a Bugle answer back in the direction in which we had just came from. I made some cow estrus calls and he would answer but would not come towards us. It was as if he was trying calling us in to him. So we decided we would cooperate and move in slowly making small chirps along the way. After moving in closer he stopped calling back and i thought maybe he had winded us. But being the patient hunter that i am he still slowly moved closer. Then Suddenly I realized that we had just snuck into the middle of the herd. It was awesome until a small bull busted us and took off running crazy. But that did not bother the rest of the herd they just hung around and kept feeding we moved in closer to try and find the bull that was talking to me earlier. We got just a few yards from a calf and another young cow. With the sun going down quickly now I decided we would leave the herd alone and come back the next day. So we slowly found our way out of the herd and headed to the truck. On the way back i could hear the Bull making some grunts and short barks but i could not see him. We got to the truck and decided this was the place to hunt and we would be back early in the morning. :D to be continued...
Day 2: We were up way early with high expectations of the days hunt, I couldnt wait to get out in the field and bag me an elk. I knew this would be the day. So we got to the same area before the sun was even close to coming up. Once the sun started to break we did the ritual of getting scent free and talking about the plan. We headed out but this time i decide to take a different route we took off heading to the north east of where we had seen the herd the day before. This morning was very cold and nothing was moving but a huge 5x5 muley deer we seen off in the distance. I decided to cut back to the end of the road that we had walked the day before. Once there i got to the edge of the canyon and let off a few chirps and a couple of bugles. They were all around us I counted about 5 or 6 different bugles but they were all far off in the distance and they had no intention of coming to me. So we waited, and kept bugling and calling in hopes of bringing in a curious bull. At around 9am or so i heard him the one from the day before i knew it was him it was back in the same direction as before. So we tried to make a stalk as we headed back down the trail i could hear him let off a few bugles and could hear his cows talking back to him. As my luck would have it they stopped making noise. We heard nothing.. So we stayed in the area all day scouting the terrain and checking out the small draws and ridges. We picked up sheds all day we found about 6 single sided sheds and i found one heavy 5x5 mule deer shed, but no elk.

The evening hunt was way better, as before I decided to take a different route this time we headed to the northwest and as before once we got out there we cut back to the end of the road where our luck had started for each outing. We got there a little later in the evening than planned but it happened again once we reached the old trail i heard them it sound like a small bull trying to bugle. So once again we made the stalk. Then he was there in front of us i heard him grunt from behind the cedars. He was no farther than 75 yards in front of me, then he bugled and my adrenaline started pumping this was it i was gonna get my bull. Just a few yards more and he was mine. I creeped down the trail to get around the cedar so i could see him there he was but he wasnt as big as i had hoped he was a decent 5x5 37 yards looking away from me the bull bugling for his cows. I raised my 54 caliber inline muzzleloader. This was to easy.. I let off a small chirp to get him to turn and he did broad side 37 yards away. I shot, he ran, I was in shock I had missed this bull, how could this be.. It was unreal. I realoaded and went after him i cow called with my hoocie mama and he bugled off in the direction he had ran. Suddenly he was coming back this guy was crazy, he ran past me and to the top of the trail and stopped. I called to try and get him to come around the cedars but nothing he wanted to but the shot before had already made him weary. It was almost dark so i told my girlfriend we better head back to the truck and we would return. As i topped off on the hill i came face to face with this lucky bull. He ran one direction and i almost took off in the opposite. I left him alone it was to dark to make a stalk or even for a shot. As we walked back towards the truck i spotted another Bull elk about 200 yards arcross the canyon watching us. But we headed out. I was still in shock over missing this 37 yard shot. :D to be continued...
Day 3: (October 11th my Birthday) Early in the morning of day number 3, we headed out to the same area once again. This morning was really rainy and foggy i knew this was gonna be a hard morning hunt so we put on our jackets and sprayed ourselves down and headed out on the trail. We decided we would stay on the main trail this morning due to the heavy fog that surrounded us. As we slowly made our way up the trail i noticed some movement across the canyon on top of the ridge directly to the west of us. It was a couple of cow elk. They had spotted us before we seen them, we stayed and watched for a while until the fog moved in and we couldnt see but a few yards in front of ourselves. At around 10 am or so the fog was still bad, so we decided we would head out off the mountain. On the way down we dicussed the hunt from the day before still wondering how i missed that 37 yard shot I thought it would be best if i went and shot my gun at the target range. I did, it was not good my gun was knocked off somehow it was really bad It hit about 14 inches low and 15 inches to the left. This was not possible I had shot this gun all summer and just days before my hunt and it was perfect. I didnt understand it..So i adjusted the hairs on my scope It took me 5 shots and i was in the bulls eye once again. With 3 bullets left for my muzzleloader we headed off with a totally different plan. The plan was to leave the elk alone for the rest of the day and we would hunt another area that I was told had some nice bulls and nobody hunting. So we did and we headed to my Girlfriends part of the country in Seboyeta NM. Once there i had no expectations of this place I did not know the country and had no idea where to start. So my Girlfriend decided to ask her cousin, my friend to take us out and show us the area. So we jumped on our 4wheelers and we were out to check this new country. As we climbed to the top of the mesa I noticed some elk track and some fresh sign, but it wasnt as much as from the previous days in my hunting country. I followed along until we reached a nice size canyon where my friend told me he had notice alot of elk track moving in and out of this area. It was around 5 pm now, So we parked the 4wheelers and i went to take a look off the canyon. Not thinking that i was gonna see anything i had left my gun on the rack and just walked to the edge. The first look off brought me to the attention of a young cow staring at me from down below. I believed him now there was elk here so i slowly went around the trees to get to the next opening Whoa! there was a whole herd down there not a big one but it was decent. There he was! He was awesome just racking the trees down below with no remorse. I ran back to my 4 wheeler and told my girlfriend and her cousin that he was down there. So i grabbed my gun and ran to the edge he was still there. I looked through the scope but it was to thick i couldnt get a clear shot. I ran down the edge of the canyon and crept till i got right on top of him it was about a 78 yard shot almost straight down. I shot, this one had connected he ran in a small circle and leaned against a tree. It was over or was it. I told my girlfriend to run back to the 4wheeler to get my quick loader so i could reload. I had grabbed my gun in such a hurry i forgot everything else.(oops).. As she returned the bull heard us talking and turned and looked at us on top of the cliffs. He jumped up and hobbled as fast as he could to try and get away, he ran to the other side of the canyon and was trying to get up the other side. I was trying to load my gun as fast as i could. He stopped about 150 yards on the other side just as i had packed down my shot. I raised my rifle and squeezed the trigger. At last he was down and I knew he wasnt gonna get up this time. It was awesome, as we reached my trophy I knew the work had just begun. It was alot of work but worth it. It was my Birthday and this was an awesome birthday present. I will never forget it. Thanks to my Girlfriend and my buddy (her cousin) I had got my big bull.
Thanks for the GREAT story muzelk and congrats on taking a nice bull. That is a nice bday gift for you. Welcome to Hunt talk.
nice bull maybe next year i'll draw my tag here at home and it will be my turn for a nice bull.
when i get a general tag i'm forced to take what the good lord gives me due to lack of time to be salective. |oo

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