New website finally on line


New member
Jun 21, 2001
Rural Wa. State/ Ellisras South Africa
This Africa forum has a bit less "action" then a few others I visit but I'm sure there are still a few guys now and again that look at the new posts. Thought I would add a post about my African Safari website. I'm a PH in Africa each season and an also a partner in this business.

I don't have to ask for "permission" to price a hunt for folks, I also don't have a "list price" for each animal on my site. I can make what ever arrangments I want with every individual client who wishes to go. If you have an idea of what game you want, and what your affordable hunting level is let me know. I also will help with flight info. I did 17 of the 19 hunters last year( two used ff miles) and can still get the same ticket price for this year(2003). 1200 bucks round trip from Atlanta to Joburg, is the best your gonna find! The Ticket broker can also get you to Atlanta from your home city for really cheap as well.

I have put together safaries for guys as cheap as 3500.00 bucks and as much as....... well the sky is the limit! We hunt only for natural born, indiginous wild game. We have 100,000 acres or a bit more to hunt on and a magnificent lodge to stay in. We also only take 24 hunters per year. Since we don't have a "pre release" (stocking)program so common on the high volume safari company properties we have to hunt game in more limited numbers so we don't over harvest anything.

Some of our game populations are so high that we actually trap and sell game during the "off season" to the game ranches that have "put and take" operations. Last season in May and June I had 19 hunters which shot 117 animals. There were 22 Kudu Bulls among that bag. The smallest was 48" and the biggest was 58", only one was under 50! We also took the number one Eland in 2002 which was also bigger then the biggest in 2001, or 2000! It was actually one of the biggest all time from South Africa.

Here is the site address:

My Email:
[email protected]

Thanks for posting JJHack. :cool:

I read your posts at another forum but hardly comment(would be the village idiot then ;) because of lack of knowledge)

I also added your site to my favorites so I can dream about my dream hunt some more :D ;)
JJ... Welcome back
... DID you see my post at Accuratereloading in the big game section on how Idaho sucks... YAH, LOVE that place ;)

seriously though, Thanx for the link bud !!!
There is only a few NA outfitters I have worked for in one capacity or another. Of those there is only a few I would trust 100% to put on a good show for a hunter. I think I will eventually add a NA section to my web site for a NA outfitters who have done such a great job.
Our consessions are very game rich because we only take off the game each year that is naturally replaced. All our animals are indigenous and born wild on the property. We do not stock animals or have a "put and take" arrangement. We do however sell quite a lot of game to other properties which do have the unfortunate "put and take" hunting style.

Because of this 100% free roaming wild born situation we have we limit our hunts to about 24 hunters per year. Much less then the typical outfitter who will just keep booking more hunters and buying more game to release.

With our limited hunting opportunities we don't really need to do a show or advertise much to sell hunts. Those things only tend to increase the cost of the hunt for the hunter, or reduce profit for the company.

Our main property is on 37,500 acres. That property is used for our Rhino operation. The majority of our income from this business comes from raising and selling of White Rhino, Sable and Buffalo. The other game that lives on the property is just a bonus we have for our hunting operation.

We have so many Kudu bulls and waterbuck bulls now that we allowed each hunter to shoot 2 bulls if they wanted to last year. We had 19 hunters that shot 22 Kudu Bulls. Only one Kudu was under 50", it was 48" but with very odd deep curls. The hunter insisted he wanted to shoot it. The biggest was 58" and we average about 53"-55" on the Kudu.

This is not news to anyplace with a good population of well managed kudu. What is news is that each hunter saw 5 or 6 shootable bulls every day! I hire freelance PH's before the season to help work our hunts. All of them said these bulls are tough to hunt, but there are so many!

They are tough to hunt because they are fully wild and not stocked and running a fence line. These Bulls were all born here and have lived wild learning the trails and habitat from their mother. The have a normal heavy "rut" unlike stocked Kudu which forgo the rut or the majority of the Rut to just find a way out of the new property.

I've worked on many different operations over the last 10 years there. I went to school there and I speak read and write in Afrikaans. I know how the whole business operates, from the game auctions to the pre-released buffalo and sable the trackers just happen to find the morning of the hunt. There is an enormous level of deceit going on in so many Safari company operations.

It's why I chose to become a partner in this operation. Our investment is in the selling of game far more then the hunting of game. Because of this we can take very few hunters and allow them to reduce the population of animals for us to just the right level for our available habitat.
Are you allowed to say what you would get, say at that starting level of $3500? I can't believe $1200 flights, that's good!
Tom, I have a few hunts left for 2003. The standard hunt is 2X1 and the 5 animals consist of the following:
1 of these: steenbok, or blesbok
2 of these: Kudu, gemsbok, zebra,wildebeest, hartebeest

You can read what is included on my site. I'll say here what is not included is, airfare, pack and dip of trophies to prepare them for shipping to the USA, freight to ship them back to the USA. Spending money, additional trophy fees, and tips(if you so choose)

What is included are all meals, open bar, transportation, skinners trackers, PH, room with private bath, laundry done every day, everything to absolutely spoil you in every way during your hunt!

This trip is 4500 bucks for ten days of hunting. It normally sells for this price at the 2X1 but if anyone books the hunt and nobody else books to hunt with them I would give that person the 1X1 for the same price. I usually put everyone into a 2X1 hunt when individually booked. But there is no risk the price would increase if you were to arrive and the other guy did not. I would just have you go 1X1 for the whole time.

I could get it down to 3500.00 for 7 days and a couple less animals but only for the remaining dates in 2003. Those dates are Mid June. I will certainly be sold out again after the shows in Feb. for 2003. I don't go to the shows but there are a few people booking hunts for us that do. I can help you with everything you need to pull this together for this June. There is plenty of time even if you don't have a passport. You do need to get this together for the airfare though it will go up soon and we have no control over that!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-02-2003 20:52: Message edited by: JJHACK ]</font>

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