New to hunting from CO Spngs


New member
Jun 21, 2020
Howdy all. Quick back story, I grew up in Las Vegas, NV in an anti-hunt family. I always wanted to go hunting but never had the guidance or capabilities.

Now, at 27 years old, after doing 8 years in the army, I decided to settle in Colo Springs, leaving the anti-hunting mindset in Vegas.

I've been cruising the site for a while and learned a lot from you all already, But I am far from ready for a hunt. I bought a bow a few months back so I'm going to keep dialing that puppy in and continue doing my research. Cheers ladies and gentlemen.
Great choice for a place to call home. When passing through headed to our hunts, always wish I had more vacation days to stop and see some of the sites.
Welcome from Elbert County. You end up in Springs proper or outside the city?
Lots of opportunity nearby, especially for Pronghorn.
I'm actually in Falcon, but most people don't know where Falcon is. Pronghorn is definitely a future hunt