Caribou Gear Tarp

New Monitor


New member
Dec 20, 2000
Jackson, Wyoming
I was thinking about getting myself a new monitor. I have looked a several and I am thinking maybe going with this one in the 92" screen. It is a little pricey, $17499.99
but what the heey, you only live once. ;)

76", 81"and 92" Screen Sizes.
Resolutions from 5120 x 1024 pixels to 25X VGA
at 6400 x 1200 pixels.
All-aluminum construction.
Ultra-widescreen format for simultaneous display of
multiple pages, windows, applications, graphics, full-screen
audio and video applications.
Ultra-Speed™ Display Technology
Lightning-fast pixel response supporting full-motion
high-frame-rate digital video playback.
Support for 16.7 million saturated colors, for use in all
graphics-intensive applications
Enhanced Active-matrix liquid crystal display
Technology, featuring wide viewing angles for
maximum visibility.
Unmatched color fidelity, delivering ultra-sharp text
and graphics.
Hardware anti-aliasing double-depth filtering
Dynamic Phase-Timing Circuitry (DPTC)
ContrastPlus UV-668 filtering
Double anti glare hard coat and FFR-type CR-Lamps.
Versatile connectivity; one computer for all 4 display
panels, or one panel for up to 4 individual computers.
R-G-B auto-geometry sensing color correction.
color fidelity for absolutely breathtaking image quality.
Gigantic workspace, minimal physical footprint
Adjustable in height, and angle.
Single or per monitor only compatible operation
High performance FreeFlow™ cooling architecture.
Exceptional low-power consumption design.
Customized graphic adapters solutions and extensive
configurations available with options to exactly match
your specific environments and end-use requirements.
Instant out-of-the-box setup with optionally bundled
Nvidia Quadro NVS©, Appian Rushmore©, Colorgraphic
Xentera GT©, and Matrox G450 MMS© or QID
Series Graphics Adapters.
Stunning, sleek design.

CHIT... I thought you typed $1,700 and I was thinking about getting one... I,.... Uhhhh... See I missed a "0" at the end of that number !!!!

That is a B@tchin' TV !!!!! MAybe I'll sell my truck :D

[ 02-15-2004, 14:17: Message edited by: Moosie ]
Lengthwise maybe! :eek: Sure would improve DelWs; ahem, "jokes"! :D Speaking of Single Wides; you hear about West Virginia getting out of the eyegleass business? Heard up at the VA hospital that you could no longer get glasses made in West Virginia. Kind of fits I guess, since they also have no shoes and only one toothbrush in the state. (According to my vet!) :D
Thats a pretty big screen just to read emails and look at the pics on the ADULT SECTION.....wait a minute how much was that again.
Some more important information on the 9xMedia above.

Moosie, this thing cost more than you single wide. Hell it cost more than some houses.
Good news is, you can get a carrying case for it and up to 32 screens.

Screen specifications = 10 x 22" Hi-Res
Hub Style = Modular Expandable
Maximum screens supported = 32
Maximum Resolution per screen = 3840 x 2400
X-Top System Price = $190,350
Top Bezel width (inches) = .600
Left & right bezel (inches) = .600
Bottom bezel (inches) = .600
Viewable Angle L/R - U/D = 170/170
DVI (Digital) Inputs DVI video cards = 1
Analog Inputs For analog video cards = 1
Spare Screen = $19,399
1 year warranty extension extends warranty to 4 years = $19,000
Hard shell travel cases = $13,750
I don't know, but it isn't just another carrying case, it is a Hard shell travel cases.

I wonder how the heck one is going to carry it when they do travel with it.
Heck you could do virtual big game hunts right from the comforts of your living room. But judging by the pics Elkhunter you already have that! ;) ;) :D :D
Sure would improve "Elk Theater" at the next Dworshack Idaho Get Together! :D
Caribou Gear

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