Hey guys my son and I are hunting some river bottom areas which are a mix of blm and private..we hear 2-3 different bulls bugle in the river bottom in thick cover in the mornings for the first hour of daylight. They tend to move further away from us as the morning progresses. I haven’t called a lot to them..a mix of cow calls and bugles..what would your all’s strategy be? Since they move off the public to private but they bed on public because of the thick stuff..I’m assuming they’re following cows into the hayfields on private but I haven’t got eyes on them yet. It sounds like they’re bugling from their beds before daylight and stay put the first 20 minutes of daylight then move away. Should I get as close to their beds as possible while they’re bugling then call? I estimate I was 250-300 yards from them this morning.. Any advice would be appreciated..thanks! (I’m a new archery elk hunter)