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ND ducks and geese


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2010
Here are a few pictures from waterfowl hunting this year. I wasn't able to get out very many days but when I did, I had some awesome hunting. The first duck picture there were 3 of us, and the 2nd one 2 of us. I had a few more good hunts earlier in the year but the picture's didn't turn out the best. Plus early in the year they are so immature and don't look that great... The geese pictures were from 2 different days that I was hunting by myself. It is hard to say how many geese there were where I was hunting, but I'd say there were at least 30,000 snow geese and 10,000 Canadian geese. They were 2 of the most unbelievable days of goose hunting that I've ever had. The canvasback I shot was a fluke but I was sure excited to shoot it. I've been wanting to shoot a mature drake for many years and so I sent it to the taxidermist. Can't wait for next year!!!

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Very nice, Cans are a favorite duck of mine.

Wish we got more snows over here.

Congrats on the fowl

Nice Can! Haven't shot one myself yet but my brother did while we were out this year right after Thanksgiving. Right in the middle of a flooded corn field too, didn't expect to see him there!
Nice pics, the fisrt one is the reason I wish our season's started later. Too many accidental hens and we have had two Duck units close while we were hunting flocks of 20-40k...
Good show.....thanks for sharing so I can remember what a duck looks like!!!
Hope to find some in SE LA next week.....been slim pickings in our SEMO lease---just broke 105 yesterday and season in Mid Zone is almost over. Also been slim on my ARK places .....while two of us took our two day possession limit on opening weekend, ain't been back cause there ain't no ducks! and we are only 20 miles from Stuttgart!
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