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“Natural causes”: Life and death, food and fantasy


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2013
Bozeman, MT
I was going through some of my bookmarks on hunting and remembered this author, Tovar Cerulli. He was a Vegan turned hunter, so he has an interesting take on things, one that helps to bridge the gap with non-hunters. I tried vegetarian for a week when I was young, thinking it might be healthier. The straw that broke the camels back was the non-stop thinking about meat and Dad cooking sausage. I realized I am a carnivore and that is what is healthier for me. But I have a number of friends that are either Vegan or Vegetarian, so conversations of hunting do occur, especially at my big dinners which include game meat, but also some vegetarian/vegan dishes for those that dont partake.

Cerulli wrote a book, The Mindful Carnivore, A Vegetarian's Hunt For Sustenance. He is a founding board member and Co-chair of the New England Chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers. He has a blog and I had bookmarked this article wanting to link to it on my site. “Natural causes”: Life and death, food and fantasy.

A Caretaker and a Killer: How Hunters Can Save the Wilderness;Stereotypes of gun-toting brutes and tree-hugging hippies miss the basic facts about who is protecting nature—and why. Cerulli, Mar. 2014 in The Atlantic

Thought some of you might find it interesting, especially in light of the recent thread from Markies hateful email to Hunt Talk. Hopefully, we can find a way to communicate, bridge some gaps and renew/grow the love and appreciation of conservation hunting - one of the subjects I wanted to address in the cartoons.
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