Mysterious animal filmed in MD

Looks kinda like a hyena, but how did a hyena get into Baltimore?

Very weird.
It looks to me to be a large fox badly infected w/ mange. We see them often with no tail hair in ND and sometimes with large patches of hair missing, although I have never seen one that bad. We also notice that they become less fearful of humans and dwellings when they are mangey. We have found (and shot) several in our out buildings on the farm.

The "hyena" illusion is given due to the skinny, lowered look of the hairless back end. To me it doesn't look like it has the pronounced angled body of the hyena. Strange and ugly none-the-less!
i would think part hyena. the head and neck sure look like it, but doesn't have the same body shape as a hyena. Someone probably had a pet one sometime and let it loose and it bred with another dog of some sort. That tail sure seems long.
i'd bet it is a fox.

there would be no mystery if it were in my back yard.(ka-boom, mystery solved!)
Yeah but is it creepy unknown animal/monster season in Maryland? ;)

I say it's that kid who said he wasn't frightened of it transformed into a sunlight loving werewolf.
They said it was a dog, with mange. I'd say its about 150 pounds shy of a hyena too ;)

Anyway they want to capture it, treat it, and put it up for adoption. ;) The have done this type of thing before with other "famous" mutts, and eneded up gettin over 1000 dogs out of shelters and into new homes. I hope it works!
ANyone ever see a hyena eating grass?? It appears to be rather small for a hyena and a bit less muscled. I would guess it's probably a medium sized dog with mange. Probably about the size of a Border Collie or a Springer Spaniel. Sure is ugly though..

after seeing it on the news { a clearer picture} i have to agree with all of you , it looks like a cross between a hyena and some type of dog.

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