Caribou Gear Tarp

My youngest.... (Pics)


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Jsut uploading a few pics and thought I'd share :







Parks! in a parka no less. :D

I'm gonna steal these pics for myself. :)
Elky, No worries, in the years to come many a handstands will be made :p

So funny story, I got all my boys danceing, Flipping, Etc. Even the little guy. Zach . the middle one, is by far the best, He dives and rolls all in one stunt. Parker the little guy tries to copy and Puts his head down and then his hands then rolls but tips sideways like a Bear goofing off....

So Yesterday, He dove, But was slow on the hands and hit his HEad first.... Me and Mom almost flipped out but did the ol' Try to act like nothing happened for a Second after the KUUUUUACK of his head on the ground... He rolled tothe Side and slowly got up then started danceing again. I couldn't believe it !!!!! I asked mom "Did you see and hear that ?!?!?" And her eyes were way bigger then mine.... Funny how when Having fun a kid can take a Crack like that but if he doesn't get a NAp and Baerly stubs his toe it takes 3 bandaids, 1 Milk bottle, 1 blanket, 2 parents saying "you're OK" in a baby voice and about 15 mins of holding and loveing to calm them down..... Something jsut doesn't add up :D :D

Anyways, thats my little guy... Other Rug Rats later.
Looks to me like Moosie will have his hands full shortly. That looks like a lot of TROUBLE on the way. Enjoy...cute kids..