My Theory of 2020's Anomaly


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2019
Sometimes, I don't even know.
I'm not sure what is making the year 2020 seem so rough for everyone. Folks want to blame it on a variety of contributing factors. Theory's from the President to the weather to the culture to foreign countries to the alignment of the moon, and to the end of time has been discussed. Who really knows. Everyone has experienced some type of bad luck. One thing is for certain, no one contributing factor can influence all the bad luck and stress we have been through this year. I, for one, will be glad when it is over, if it is ever over. I don't think we will ever be the same.

I think Rod Serling, The Twilight Zone, predicted our future years ago during the black and white TV days. Maybe he saw the future and the attached video is what is really happening. Whats your theory?

We’re at war with the CCP and half the population in America now backs communism and socialism. People no longer have reason to believe in Equal Justice under the Law. Chaos reins in the streets of half our cities. The Covid response has been an absolute failure full of misinformation and outright lies. People we have seen are willing to hand over their freedom and liberty for a perceived sense of safety. The msm is absolutely corrupt. The tech oligarchs are subverting the public square. You can no longer freely travel from place to place or country to country. Christians are being slaughtered and persecuted worldwide. But yeah gas is cheap so we got that going for us.
We’re at war with the CCP and half the population in America now backs communism and socialism. People no longer have reason to believe in Equal Justice under the Law. Chaos reins in the streets of half our cities. The Covid response has been an absolute failure full of misinformation and outright lies. People we have seen are willing to hand over their freedom and liberty for a perceived sense of safety. The msm is absolutely corrupt. The tech oligarchs are subverting the public square. You can no longer freely travel from place to place or country to country. Christians are being slaughtered and persecuted worldwide. But yeah gas is cheap so we got that going for us.

Yeah... But that's all the result or symptom not the cause. In the video clip, the cause is the aliens from outer space controlling the anomaly.
I think the Mayans were off by 8 years. This is what 2012 was supposed to be. Next year, should be nice and calm. This crap can't get much worse......or can it.
This year has really turned things around for me. I had a serious feeling that no one but myself would help me in the event of a real emergency. I've never been a principled survivor but ... I've started to pay more attention to some things. I have become more thrifty in terms of products. Now I always have stock in my basement. I also collected several options for hunting and just car first-aid kits (from what is in the general access). I now have several air purifiers at home (sneak a peek at this site). This is in case of nearby fires in large forests. I have replaced my old generator with a more powerful one. Each of the points was not a serious goal in the plan, but .. I just paid attention to it later)) My subconscious mind decided that it was better to prepare the ground in advance))
We’re at war with the CCP and half the population in America now backs communism and socialism. People no longer have reason to believe in Equal Justice under the Law. Chaos reins in the streets of half our cities. The Covid response has been an absolute failure full of misinformation and outright lies. People we have seen are willing to hand over their freedom and liberty for a perceived sense of safety. The msm is absolutely corrupt. The tech oligarchs are subverting the public square. You can no longer freely travel from place to place or country to country. Christians are being slaughtered and persecuted worldwide. But yeah gas is cheap so we got that going for us.
And the other half of the population is happy to have someone who calls our veterans suckers and losers as president.
Someone who doesn't care that very soon we will reach a quarter million dead from covid in the U.S. despite your refusal to acknowledge the facts, because he chose to ignore the science.
Someone who would declare himself Emperor of America if he could.
No thanks!
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