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My son's late season buck


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2007
Gaithersburg Md
It was the bottom of the 9th and he has been waiting all season for a nice buck. He's a good bow hunter. Our season closed the 31st of Jan. and on the 30th I was on stand about 7 miles from him and I get a phone call, Dad I just shot a nice 8 point. I have to go back to the shop to get flash lights. I told him I would meet him after dark. Well by the time he made it back to start looking for the buck it snowed 2" on him and their were no tracks or blood trail. We serched for about 2 hrs. staying out of the thickets just incase he hit the gut. The next morning he went back out and I told him to look across the crrek in the thickets as he was about to cross the crrek he found his buck in 2' of water at a log jam. He got a high single lung shot and the buck came down from the thickets. he said telling from the tracks.

congrats to your son!
what county do you guys hunt??
Way to go! Father and son hunting is the way to go. My dad doesn't hunt, I got into it by myself, but he was visiting for Thanksgiving last year and we went out together. I shot a whitey similar to your son's, not the biggest by any means but a trophy because of the experience.
JB we hunt Montgomery county area. I have about a dozen properties to hunt and a few leases. One which is about a mile from where the big buck in Charles county was shot.

My Dad never hunted either. So I decided to get my 3 son's into bow hunting early. They have pick up my slack as I get older.
Thanks Muleyslyr, He is the excitable type. I've got a good laugh on each of his 3 bucks. He works here in my shop with me and seems to be a little whiley but he gets so serous when it comes to bow hunting.
Mdcrossbow.. Way to go getting your son into hunting and congrats to him on a nice buck. We must be neighbors as I am in Montgomery county also. Living in Kensington at the moment but moving to Loudoun county VA. soon.
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