My Hunting Area is on Fire


New member
Feb 26, 2002
T Falls, MT
The area I was planning on putting up my hunting camp is on fire. I don't think this one will be going out soon. A lot of deadwood in steep inaccessable terrain. This fire needed to happen, but I wish it happened in the spring or fall, not the dead of summer. The fire crews have set up camp right across the road from my place. 175 fire fighters with more on their way.


Plains fire grows to 2,000 acres
By SHERRY DEVLIN of the Missoulian

Strong afternoon winds grounded helicopters and slurry bombers working the Cherry Creek fire near Plains on Sunday, as the fire grew from 550 acres to 2,000 acres in a few hours.

"We had a pretty good wind event," said John Hamilton, a fire information officer. "We pulled off the helicopters and planes about 2:30, and then the firefighters as well. The fire was just too hot to be around."

"Today was not a real good day for us," he said.

About 165 firefighters and four helicopters were working the fire, which is burning about 15 miles southwest of Plains and 10 miles southeast of Thompson Falls in the Cherry Creek drainage.

The terrain is timbered and steep; a thicket of bug-killed lodgepole pine is feeding the fire.

"We're having a beetle outbreak, and it's providing quite a bit of fuel," Hamilton said. "It's not a good situation."

As the fire pushed over the top of Cherry Peak, smoke drifted north to Kalispell at the height of Sunday afternoon's burning, prompting calls from worried residents throughout the area. Fire managers will brief the community at two meetings Monday night - one at the fairgrounds pavilion in Plains at 5:30, the other at the Thompson Falls Community Center at 7:30.

And while the fire remains about seven miles from the nearest community, the Sanders County commissioners did issue a warning late Sunday to residents in the Eddy Creek area. Because there is but one road in and one road out of the drainage, residents need to be ready to evacuate should the fire start moving down the creek, the commissioners said.

There is no evacuation order, but people who need extraordinary care should be moved to a safer location, and residents might want to move big trucks, camper trailers and livestock.

Firefighters will "give it another shot Monday morning," Hamilton said. "But the forecast we have is for almost identical weather tomorrow, so we are anticipating another hold-onto-your-hat kind of day."
And they said logged areas are responsible for forest fires, and burn the quickest.

Sorry to here about the hunting area. hopefully the regrowth will provide more food for the game. Some of that area is good cover, but no feed.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-11-2003 08:28: Message edited by: Ten Bears ]</font>
Sorry to hear about that. As stated above, it will be better now in the future. I'm glad to see that you have the right mindset about this (ie better in the long-run).
This area was the top priority in Montana to use the catigorical exclusions clause that was recently reinacted by the Bush administration. Too late now. The forest service employee that conducted last nights town meeting stated that the forest service has been litigated into submission. Just one more reason to change some laws.

Now if we could just get GW to see which laws need to be changed...

Hope things work out for you this season, if I can be of any help for alternatives in UT I would be willing to help as much as possible.
Another thing that would really help GW's success with his funding it properly and not robbing it for wildfire suppression.
Thanks for the offer Pointer, but there are a couple of acres in Montana that are still not on fire!

I just got back from the Missouri Breaks. First time I've been there. Got a chance to fly in a helicopter and look for sheep, and jumped all over it. The biologist was a pretty neat fellow, you would enjoy talking with him. His ideas about livestock and wildlife are more in tune with yours. Don't think he would care too much for Ithaca's attitude however.

I'm thinking about meeting my flatlander freinds out there now for our deer hunt. Neat country.

Never been to the Breaks, but it is on my short list of places to visit. The pics mtmiller posted looked awesome! Glad you had a good trip. I'm hoping to get to see the ranch I conducted my research on via helicopter this fall. Sometimes a bird's eye view is needed to gain the proper perspective.

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