My first Montana turkey!!!


New member
Nov 28, 2001
Friday eve, I head towards Kalispell to do my first turkey hunt. Traffic is almost non existant until I get to hwy 93, then I relize where the idiots from the area in Wa that I move out of came to when they moved also. You know the ones I'm talking about. The one's that do fifty in a sixty five, no matter what the road conditions. The one's that when they have to turn will do so very slowly and almost come to a complete stop before exiting the hwy. The traffic was very slow and I ended up getting to my cousins house an hour later than I had planned. This really put a damper on spotting turkey's for the eve. Even still, we saw a good tom, two hens and one to far away to figure. The next morning we were out before light. My cousin,Steve, has a rancher/farmer that lets him hunt the property. They have wildlife every where. Steve used to have a guide service in the sweetwater area in Idaho for a number of years. We leave the truck in the early morning and start walking the upper part of the property looking and calling for gobblers. Steve finally hears one in the lower end so we head down a steep slope and start our adventure in the lower end of the property. This area is plumb full of white tails, geese, ducks, and pheasants. We wander all over the lower end and finally end up on top again. By this time five hours have gone by and we've done the long walk for pretty much the whole time. Steve happens to look over into the farm next door and we spy two turks walking in the direction of the property we are on. Steve quickly sets up, I lay flat on the ground and start a quick belly crawl along the property line where I am guessing the birds will pass me by for a close shot. They are both jakes and in this state are very much leagle. Steve starts to call and they look hard in his direction. I am hiding by a row of grass watching. The turkeys look very interested in the calls but must not have noticed the decoys and wander over a little rise to cross over the the property that we are on but way out of range. The farm we are on is very well maintained and the turkey's are quite happy to wander over the short grass and cross thru a newly disked field towards the farm house. We beat feet back over the bank where they couldn't see us and ran around towards the farm house where our truck was parked. Just as we rounded the bend and came almost to the truck. The turkey's had walked out of the field and were now again in site. Steve immedeatly lay's on the ground with the jake deak streached out in front of him. I had just bairly put myself in the shadows of a a irrigation pipe rack and was sitting on the ground when the jakes noticed the decoy Steve had presented. I was in a very unconfortable possition and trapped in front of the rack unable to move. Steve started doing some light chirps and the birds started walking in our direction. In the possition he was in, he could move the decoy in such a way to make it come to life. Making it peck the ground and what not. The jakes were very interested and just came in. When they were twelve yards away I pulled the gun up and the one I intended to shoot moved in line with the other one. They both caught my movement but being young had not the experience to understand what was unfolding before them. I had to wait an aganizing few seconds to wait for the birds to seperate so as to only shoot one. It would have been a very easy two fer. But we can only get one turkey in the spring, so that would not have been a good idea. They finally parted and I shot my intended victem at twelve yards. We were only about fifteen yards from the truck. So far now, the first elk I shoot I can drive the truck right to it and it was a dandy six by, now I shoot my first turkey within mere yards from the truck. This is a great state to hunt in. My first turkey hunt lasted a total of seven and a half hours of field time. If only I can be so lucky the next time...... :D:D:D

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