Kenetrek Boots

MT SB 356 info


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2011
Gallatin Valley, MT
I had a conversation tonight with a person involved in the workings of SB 356 - the bill which makes it so only those with ownership interest in a water right can object to a decree. Who cares? Well, if you fish in MT, some of the water in the streams you fish is probably there because a party concerned with keeping water in that stream (for fisheries) was able to file an objection to some water right or negotiate a deal on a water right to keep water in a stream. This bill negates that from happening - no "public input".

It has now made to the the Guv's desk. B. Hamlett (D) was sponsor of the bill. Once again, even though the vast majority of "anti-sportsmen" bills are a GOP thing, it is hard to figure who our friends are. All the more reason for MT sportsmen to "rally" and network before the next election to figure a way to screen for candidates who won't "throw us and the resource under the bus".

This is one of those bills that's "under the radar", but whether you ubelieve it or not, can have an impact on fishermen. This ain't the only one of these bills that are negative "sleepers". No big headlines, just quiet and insidious.

Oh, and if you are so inclined, drop the Guv an email (yeah another one:() asking him to veto it. My "source" says the word is, no idea which way the Guv leaning.
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I had a conversation tonight with a person involved in the workings of SB 356 - the bill which makes it so only those with ownership interest in a water right can object to a decree. Who cares? Well, if you fish in MT, some of the water in the streams you fish is probably there because a party concerned with keeping water in that stream (for fisheries) was able to file an objection to some water right or negotiate a deal on a water right to keep water in a stream. This bill negates that from happening - no "public input".

It has now made to the the Guv's desk. B. Hamlett (D) was sponsor of the bill. Once again, even though the vast majority of "anti-sportsmen" bills are a GOP thing, it is hard to figure who our friends are. All the more reason for MT sportsmen to "rally" and network before the next election to figure a way to screen for candidates who won't "throw us and the resource under the bus".

This is one of those bills that's "under the radar", but whether you ubelieve it or not, can have an impact on fishermen. This ain't the only one of these bills that are negative "sleepers". No big headlines, just quiet and insidious.

Oh, and if you are so inclined, drop the Guv an email (yeah another one:() asking him to veto it. My "source" says the word is, no idea which way the Guv leaning.

We had 2 political candidate forums right before the Nov. elections. We wanted the same information. They basically stroked us. We were told the professionals should manage our wildlife. Some that wouldn't answer the questions got elected anyway just because they were a (R).
We had 2 political candidate forums right before the Nov. elections. We wanted the same information. They basically stroked us. We were told the professionals should manage our wildlife. Some that wouldn't answer the questions got elected anyway just because they were a (R).

Funny, Headwaters has had a couple of those forums. We had some of our local bums basically tip their hat that they were anti-sportsman anti-resource. They still got elected. I'm not sure if any HSA guys voted for them, but our best public turnout for a forum was maybe 20 people. Hell, at one forum, there were just as many candidates as citizens. A one to one showing of politicians to citizens probablt isn't too intimidating to the candidate(s). It's tough out there in the real world.......
Funny, Headwaters has had a couple of those forums. We had some of our local bums basically tip their hat that they were anti-sportsman anti-resource. They still got elected. I'm not sure if any HSA guys voted for them, but our best public turnout for a forum was maybe 20 people. Hell, at one forum, there were just as many candidates as citizens. A one to one showing of politicians to citizens probablt isn't too intimidating to the candidate(s). It's tough out there in the real world.......

The first ones we had were like that. One candidates than audience. This year, we had radio personalities as moderators, We put on a full media blitz, and had outstanding turnouts. Didn't matter. We are working on a home coming though.
Homecomings are so nice.........and I thought about HSA's candidate forums a little. Maybe our best turnout was 30 or so. A certain Mr. Kuntz nailed a certain Mr. Balyeat at that was hilarious (had to be there). Unfortunately Mr. Balyeat still got elected. Oh, well - he is currently carrying a wolf hunting bill.......
Let me start by saying I'm not trying to pick a fight with anyone. We're all well aware of how much time you guys spend on this stuff. However, before I found this website, I had no idea Headwaters existed, which I find surprising given how much time I spend in Sportman's, Yellowstone Sports, and Big Sky archery. You guys may want to rethink how you spread the word about the group. I was actually on the site for over a year before I heard about it.
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Let me start by saying I'm not trying to pick a fight with anyone. We're all well aware of how much time you guys spend on this stuff. However, before I found this website, I had no idea Headwaters existed, which I find surprising given how much time I spend in Sportman's, Yellowstone Sports, and Big Sky archery. You guys may want to rethink how you spread the word about the group. I was actually on the site for over a year before I heard about it.

:mad:fightin words.....gotcha:p.

I'll only get one dig in......if you think sporting good retailers are the place to get info about real and actual sportsmen's issues....lots to learn buddy.

Anyways, I've been in HSA for something like 10-12 or so years and its been around a lot longer than that. That being said, it is admittedly "publicly" low key compared to some outfits and could be a little more advertised, in my opinion. But is has functioned quite well and been very effective the way it has been. I will break everyone's heart by saying I will be largely, but not completely, absent from this site when the current MT nightmare ends. BUT if no other HSA member does so;), I will post the next mtg on here. Mdunc8, if and when you hear about it, ATTEND AND TELL YOUR ASSOCIATES. See ya there.
I agree with Dunc on his point. I was looking for a "local" group to join since I am a member of RMEF, DU, Pheasants Forever, and a few others.

I had no idea Headwaters existed. I would love to join. I sent an email several months ago to everyone listed on their website requesting info. on joining, membership, meetings, etc..
I got one (1-line) email back from one of them saying he was passing my email on to someone else. I haven't heard a word since.

Not a big deal, but if you are actively looking for new members...I sure didn't hear about it, and have had a hard time getting any info. from anyone.
Guys - Headwaters is getting more organized than we have been in the past. I am not on the board, so many of these details are outside my job as the Legislative Liaison. And, because I am not involved in membership stuff, they will probably get done timely and completely :eek:.

Here is a link to the Headwaters website. It was put up about six months ago, and is a project of one of the board members.

Here is a link to the membership form that you can download and send in. Once they get that, the membership guy, Tom Sather, is pretty good at keeping everyone in the data base. Most our communciation is via email.

Given all the board members are volunteers and all own businesses or have other busy jobs, things might not be as tight as many other groups you are members of with paid volunteers.

I know they would love to have you as members and volunteers.
I would also like to belong to HSA. The website lists the next meeting as April 29, 2010. When is the next meeting? Has the website not been updated for that long?
I and others, for years, have told countless guys about all kinds of sportsmens groups...headwaters being one. Fin's best interest is to be diplomatic on this site. I enjoy the freedom of saying exactly what's on my mind. A lot of us, Randy I'm sure included, have always worked to spread the word. I always assumed word of mouth among outdoorsmen was the way to spread the word. I was and usually have been proven wrong. The vast majority of guys have not wanted to really get into it. Call it bitching. It is called reality. If you are man enough to shoot a critter with a gun, you should be man enough to get bitched at, especially if the "bitching" is about taking care of something you love.. I'm an old schooler....I haven't even been on the internet (at home) until 1.5 years ago.I have to relearn my communication skills....cyber communication has taken the place of face to face it seems. But, until this MT legislative session, I believe I could have been cyber talking about this stuff until I'm blue in the face....with the same results I have encountered for years. I am cautiously hopeful things may change for the better. This thread illustrates the start....more guys wanting to join HSA. If HSA grows, more guys, more contacts, more communication - get my drift. YOUNG guys and women are needed. I will be sure to post on here once I hear about the next meeting. Hope to see all you interested guys there.
I would also like to belong to HSA. The website lists the next meeting as April 29, 2010. When is the next meeting? Has the website not been updated for that long?

I would have to ask Dan, the web guy, when he last updated.

We will not be having a meeting until this session is over. I will ask them to announce that on the website when a date is provided, in addition to the emails that always go out.

Thanks for the interest, guys. Sorry we are up to our eyeballs with legislative issues right now. All new members are greatly appreciated.

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