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Mt hb 159


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2011
Gallatin Valley, MT
The antics of our legislature have become apparent once again. HB 159, which attempts to makes sure MFWP can't regulate firearms and ammo for hunting, and oh yeah, REPEALS the restriction of use of rifles for upland game and spring turkey, ended up in an appropriations committee hearing today and passed and is now moving forward. I along with the Headwaters (a group to which I belong) guys opposed this bill earlier and the sponsor either lied directly to my face or is oblivious to his bill's text. This is a basic bonehead safety issue. Maybe we should send a barrel turkey decoy in the "dumb idea" post to the proponents of this bill. This bill is most likely a MSSA idea, which found - I'm guessing - a either a sympathetic or ignorant sponsor. Nonetheless, this is another that needs to die, after it's underhanded re-entry into the process.
I find it poetically humourous that the post about the turkey decoy that attaches to the barrel of a shotgun (A Very Dumb Idea), appeared just before our boneheaded legislature advanced a bill that makes it legal to hunt spring turkey with a rifle. As I stated in the other post...maybe the proponents of this bill should get a complimentary barrel mounted turkey decoy. If their noses get blown off, maybe it will be less uncomfortable for them when they insert their heads up their asses. There has been a lot of stupid legislation, this ones ranks right up there.
I find it poetically humourous that the post about the turkey decoy that attaches to the barrel of a shotgun (A Very Dumb Idea), appeared just before our boneheaded legislature advanced a bill that makes it legal to hunt spring turkey with a rifle. As I stated in the other post...maybe the proponents of this bill should get a complimentary barrel mounted turkey decoy. If their noses get blown off, maybe it will be less uncomfortable for them when they insert their heads up their asses. There has been a lot of stupid legislation, this ones ranks right up there.

They do it in alot of other states, with a lower population density than Montanas. Ultimately is it not the shooters responsiblity to know what they are shooting at? Allowing turkey hunting with rifles doenst make me feel one way or the other, if somthing similar was introduced in my own state I wouldnt care enough to make a peep about it. The decoy is dumb really putting ones at a greater risk, I think, but it again doesnt affect me one way or the other if someone wants to do that.
They do it in alot of other states, with a lower population density than Montanas. Ultimately is it not the shooters responsiblity to know what they are shooting at? Allowing turkey hunting with rifles doenst make me feel one way or the other, if somthing similar was introduced in my own state I wouldnt care enough to make a peep about it. The decoy is dumb really putting ones at a greater risk, I think, but it again doesnt affect me one way or the other if someone wants to do that.

Iv'e heard that "shooters responsibility" rationale many times. In a perfect world, that sounds good. We have a little place here in MT called Gardiner. Once upon a time, 100's of hunters and 1000's of elk used to run into each other there. I spent many years in the middle of some of those run ins. A lot of folks who you'd a' thought were conscientious gun handlers and sportsmen ( for you montana guys who know about the old late hunts, I not just talking about the average late hunt lead flingers) prooved that BS line wrong 1000's of times - no exaggeration. I've taken cover in defense from a lot of "responsible shooters". There's reality and there's the pollyanna world. Basic gun safety that most of us learned as kids, whether guys want to hear it or not, doesn't convey to as a lot of folks "grow up". I don't care for being shot at, by "responsible" shooters or not.
Iv'e heard that "shooters responsibility" rationale many times. In a perfect world, that sounds good. We have a little place here in MT called Gardiner. Once upon a time, 100's of hunters and 1000's of elk used to run into each other there. I spent many years in the middle of some of those run ins. A lot of folks who you'd a' thought were conscientious gun handlers and sportsmen ( for you montana guys who know about the old late hunts, I not just talking about the average late hunt lead flingers) prooved that BS line wrong 1000's of times - no exaggeration. I've taken cover in defense from a lot of "responsible shooters". There's reality and there's the pollyanna world. Basic gun safety that most of us learned as kids, whether guys want to hear it or not, doesn't convey to as a lot of folks "grow up". I don't care for being shot at, by "responsible" shooters or not.

I still dont get your point, if you think that, that particular situation is unique to Montana, your wrong. If your worried about getting shot, dont dress like a turkey and throw blaze on over your deke when you travel, same basic rules they suggest when turkey hunting any where else. I dont see the value in condeming hunters because they choose to hunt with different weapons than you would, unless it is specifically a primitive weapon hunt. Obviously its your right to make a stink about what you see as an injustice as well. I just think if thats your only objection your over reacting.
I still dont get your point, if you think that, that particular situation is unique to Montana, your wrong. If your worried about getting shot, dont dress like a turkey and throw blaze on over your deke when you travel, same basic rules they suggest when turkey hunting any where else. I dont see the value in condeming hunters because they choose to hunt with different weapons than you would, unless it is specifically a primitive weapon hunt. Obviously its your right to make a stink about what you see as an injustice as well. I just think if thats your only objection your over reacting.

Brudno, I'm not going to waste our time on a discussion about opinions on different hunting methods....isn't the point,won't go anywhere. One last thing I will say , though, is your "they do it in a lot of other states" comment is interesting to me as a Montanan. Montana has the premier stream access law in the country, Montana has probably the best general public access to all types of hunting in the country, Montana has probably the most general public friendly hunting opportunities in the country. Montana has probably the most liberal general public hunting season structure in the country. I'm not interested in deabating any of this. A lot of what's being threatened in the state where I live and hunt is being attacked by folks who think it works better in other states, are used to how is is in other states....hell a lot of them are from other states. I don't care how it is in other states. I'm interested in preserving what works well in MT, I'll leave other state's issues up to them.
Brudno, I'm not going to waste our time on a discussion about opinions on different hunting methods....isn't the point,won't go anywhere. One last thing I will say , though, is your "they do it in a lot of other states" comment is interesting to me as a Montanan. Montana has the premier stream access law in the country, Montana has probably the best general public access to all types of hunting in the country, Montana has probably the most general public friendly hunting opportunities in the country. Montana has probably the most liberal general public hunting season structure in the country. I'm not interested in deabating any of this. A lot of what's being threatened in the state where I live and hunt is being attacked by folks who think it works better in other states, are used to how is is in other states....hell a lot of them are from other states. I don't care how it is in other states. I'm interested in preserving what works well in MT, I'll leave other state's issues up to them.

Sure...I get it, you think this is a big deal to you so your up in arms about it and thats your right, I however fail to see what difference it really makes. To me it seems more like your point is I dont like the method of hunting turkeys with rifles, because its not what you would do, I think most wouldnt have a real interest in doing it either, I just dont, #1 get why you just dont come out and say that. #2 How it would really affect you.
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Sure...I get it, you think this is a big deal to you so your up in arms about it and thats your right, I however fail to see what difference it really makes. To me it seems more like your point is I dont like the method of hunting turkeys with rifles, because its not what you would do, I think most wouldnt have a real interest in doing it either, I just dont, #1 get why you just dont come out and say that. #2 How it would really affect you.

If you want, I'll send you some names of some of my fellow MT's who would love to waste their time with ya'. I just go off the phone with 2 fellow Montanans who are actually involved with this issue and a lot of others we face in our state. That was some productive time. Personally I'm tired of dealing with guys like you, so I ain't going to. You do too much to reinforce my opinions....that's not constructive. Post away, if you like (or not-who cares), I'm sure you'll find someone to blabber with.
Oh hey Brudno, I do not hunt spring turkey, never have. This issue and a lot of others in MT is/are about much more than that. Don't worry, when your home country has issues, I won't stick my uneducated nose in them.
Not sure there is much to get your nose out of joint on other than if this goes through it will be one less thing FWP can regulate.

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