Caribou Gear Tarp

Mt 362


New member
Mar 17, 2017
Union Mills, IN
Looking for some general info for Montana unit 362 for archery rut hunt. Considering this unit as a backup to our primary unit (also in zone 3). Obviously not looking for any hot spots, but want to get a feel for hunting pressure compared to other zone 3 units, elk numbers/distribution, and any other relevant information specific to this unit (good or bad). Any feedback is very appreciated, and PM are absolutely welcome. Thanks!
Be bear aware! Look for wolves. Elk usually seem to be quiet unless its dark.. be bear aware. Can access quite a bit on pedal/dirtbike early season on some trails. The local herd has decent numbers. Have been told the migration thru 362 isnt what is was... ive hunted mostly the southern part of 362, north of west yellowstone.
You can expect a ton of hunters. It may just be me but it seems like every one and their brother tends to hunt 360/362. Like Tjd stated, watch out for bears. There are a lot of grizzlies in the area usually resulting in someone getting mauled every year or two. The resident elk population is pretty decent, but it seems like most were down on the valley floor (private land) even during archery season last year. You should be able to find bulls up higher on public though. There seems to be a pretty decent number of outfitters in the are hunting on horseback. There are good mule deer running in the area if you have a general deer tag.

Personally I am planning to stay away from 360/362 this year, however if someone knows how to hunt elk they do stand a decent chance at killing elk.

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