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Mountain House (More of a complaint)


New member
Mar 19, 2001
Who's smart ass idea was it to get rid of the little bag that the food comes in favor of just putting a ziplock on the main bag. Things do not pack worth a crap now. Talk about alot of wasted space. I'm gonna find an email address and try and find the reason for this. This makes me mad because alot of hunts are determined by space for packing gear. Sorry just gotta rant.
Joel, I noticed the same thing the other night. I try a few Mountain House meals out so I know which ones I like and don't like every once in a while and when I saw they got rid of that bag I was kinda pissed too. Those things in the big packages take up a lot of room compared to just the tiny little bags they used to have in there. Go to Mountain House's website and contact them and see if hopefully you can get them to change back to how it used to be!!
I dropped them a line a couple of days ago and havent heard back yet. Maybe they dont like constructive critism
HEre's A Complaint... How about ALOT of Vegitarian MEALS ?!?! Yah.. Instead of "MEAT" meals...

Ohhh Wait.. Thats NOT Mountain House's fault.. It's the Guy COUGH*LBG*COUGH 's fault of who bought the stuff for me... Fortunately It didn't Upset me to much.... WELL.. Having WET feet all the time becasue Of the HOLES in the Hip BOOTS

LOL LBG, You know I love you And Apreciate all you and The wifes Help. We at least HAVE IT FIGURED OUT for next year when I FLY OUT FOR MY BOU HUNT WHAT We're going to do
..... My wife jsut doesn't know yet .. So...
Hey trailer trash

I see you guys made it safely. Did your antlers make it OK?
All Alaskans have leaky hippers. I don't see the problem. You did good LBG, even with the veggie meals...keeping them regular, you know?
Your fuggin halarious EG...I hope this hunt can work out. It seems like there wouldn't be a dull moment.

Thanks for the laugh!!!
Come to think of it, I have a complaint too. Why the hell did they get rid of the inner pouch this year? Supposedly, MH decided to simplify the way you eat a meal. I think the foil pouch is much more bulkier, and it definitely doesn't burn worth a chit. The baggy and cardboard was the way to go. Bad move MH!
Ovis.. Wasn't that LBG's Origional Complaint ?

I actually Like it, But I got to Fly in.. BNOT back pack
HEY Elkgunner.. Thats only a 44 1/8" AK Moose, I couldn't shoot a Baby like that.. Thats Illegal

Note to Self... PEE in Elkgunners Truck Tank next time I go to Lunch with him
Been so long since I read LBG's original post, I forgot that was his main complaint. It is a good complaint. LBG, you ever find out the reason for this. I'm thinking it cuts cost and creates more $$$...jackholes!!!

PS...Whats the difference if you pee in a deisel or stick gas in a deisel, either way the guy doing it is a dork.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 09-24-2003 00:07: Message edited by: Ovis ]</font>
Jim, I never heard back from mountain house. I guess they dont like constructive critism. I wish they would answer though, it has to be a marketing ploy. hell, even environmental freaks dont like carrying extra weight and bulky items.
Or you could use the same fitting move on me as you did that poor moose. I've been sat on before.

My buddy had a serious problem with burning the wrappers. He didn't want to leave the remnants out in the field, which I am all for...but if MH would of never changed their packaging, there wouldn't be that problem.

I bet they go back to the old packaging next year.
I Snatch Watches & Vice-Versa

HEY Ovis... Do you know what the Difference Between a Las Vegas Show Girl Act and A Circus Act is ?!?!?

Well.. A Circus Act is a Cunning array of Stunts .......

BUuuahahahahahah !!!!!
Here I've been back for what...five days now, and I changed my signature block the first day I got back, and YOU are the first to comment on it. I thought it had a bit of a ring.

I like the funny too...good'n.
I noticed it in AK... I thought of the Snatch Watches Joke that I heard back IN College... Reminded me of it

Kind of like yours, It says,

Whats the Difference between a peeping Tom and A pick Pocketer.. A Pick Pocketer Snatch Watches ...

I like your Sig
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