Sitka Gear Optifade Cover

More daylight on the Utah tag hijinx

sfw and the convention/expo is terible for us "average" joes.taking the premium tags out of the everybodys draw and hoarding them in the expo to the highest bidder is a shame.utah has a very limited ammount of premium tags to start with in the first place,,,a good tag will take that many more years to ever pull.
Ya don't you just love to hear those who stand to gain financially spurt "Ya but it's only 1% of the tags" !

If they only want 1% they should take the OTC deer tags. Greedy idiots.
While not bad, I see the article as a good swing, but a miss! IMO the author seems too little concerned for the taking of the tags for the Expo and too much concerned for the fact he can't afford the auction prices. For me that's the least worrisome part. I'd rather see the tags in the draw vs. the Expo at all regardless if they are auctioned or in the $5 raffle.
200 tags taken out of the quota in Utah and it gets attention

Thousands of tags are being given to Landowners in Colorado and you dont hear NADA!
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