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Montana's 2014-2015 Hunting Regulation Proposals Up For Review


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2012
Big Sky Country
Montana's 2014-2015 Hunting Regulation Proposals Up For Review

Montanans will have a number of opportunities to review and comment on 2014-2015 hunting regulation proposals by going on online now or by attending one of 43 public meetings beginning in January.

Last summer, FWP held seven meetings across the state and received nearly 1,200 comments that led to several new hunting season proposals.

At the meetings in January, FWP will present proposals to aid the recovery of Montana's declining deer populations by reducing hunting pressure on antlerless mule deer and white-tailed deer. Wildlife managers surmise Montana's deer numbers are in decline statewide due to a number of unique circumstances—from the cyclical nature of mule deer populations to predation and disease and from drought to tough winter conditions. For the next two hunting seasons, with a few exceptions to address game damage issues, FWP proposes to: 1) convert general mule deer seasons to antlered-only; 2) eliminate most mule deer B, or antlerless, licenses; 3) eliminate white-tailed deer B licenses in Regions 4 and 6 and in most of Region 5.

Details on the proposed hunting regulations are available on FWP's website at Click "2014-2015 Hunting Proposals," where one can find a complete calendar of meeting times and locations, and additional information on each proposal. The proposals encompass hunting season dates and nearly every huntable species in the state, including antelope, black bear, bighorn sheep, bison, deer, elk, moose, mountain goat, mountain lion, and a variety of upland game birds.

Comments may be submitted at the local meetings, which are set for Jan 4-23, 2014 statewide, or online at Written comments may be sent to: FWP—Wildlife Bureau, Attn: Public Comment, P.O. Box 200701, Helena, MT 59620-0701. For questions not covered on the website, call 406-444-2612.

Comments are due by 5 PM on Jan. 24, 2014. The Fish & Wildlife Commission will adopt final regulations in February.
As a non-resident that spends more time hunting there than in my own state, North Dakota, the only thing I don't like out of all the proposals is the "convert the general mule deer season to antlered-only". I know I am an out of stater so my opinion does not mean jack but I think that would be an awful decision. If they do anything, make it a limited quota antlered-only for a few years. I have some good friends from the Glasgow area that could not believe the yearling bucks that were at the local processing shops. I know, everyone is entitled to hunt and shoot any size animal they have a tag for but I think this trend is going to continue and if you make hunters strictly hunt bucks you are going to see awful results in quality of deer. I personaly enjoy hunting mature animals but not everyone cares about that and will shoot the first thing they see, which is their own right. In ND our mule deer population has been TERRIBLE over the past 4 years do to weather, g&f management, and predators. Two years ago the cut they buck tags in half and eliminated mule deer doe hunting. It is the best decision they have ever made. The numbers are responding well even though it's nowhere near what it used to be and the number of quality of bucks are pretty good especially for the guys who have had to wait 6-7 years to draw a tag. IMO I would rather see them do a limited quota for antlered only and eliminate the doe hunting for a couple years. Like I said, I'm just an out of stater so my opinion doesn't mean squat but I will tell you that you DO NOT want Montana to become like western ND has become. EVER.
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IMO I would rather see them do a limited quota for antlered only and eliminate the doe hunting for a couple years. Like I said, I'm just an out of stater so my opinion doesn't mean squat but I will tell you that you DO NOT want Montana to become like western ND has become. EVER.

Your thoughts/comments have a lot of merit.

As much as I and my family like to hunt and truely use the meat I think we need to take some drastic measures if we truely want to rebuild the resource. Just not sure the politics in our State will use sound wildlife biology over politics.