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'Montanans for Effective Wildlife Management"


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
Bitterroot Valley
'Montanans for Effective Wildlife Management" is the newly formed group of Montana sportsman that are fighting the Trapping Initiatives.

All sportsman should support these guys. Without trapping, the continued management of Wolves will not be possible, unless we go to the WS for more tax payer funded types of management.
Stats show that hunters are successfull less than .03% of the time while hunting wolves. 25% of the Trappers in the state that trapped wolves got one.
What is so bad about a bounty on a dead predator?

Looks like MOGA is a supporter of them as well, along w/ the Nevada Trappers(i just knew those guys were evil :)...and the Great Rockies Sport Show?? who'd a thunk)
What is so bad about a bounty on a dead predator?

Looks like MOGA is a supporter of them as well, along w/ the Nevada Trappers(i just knew those guys were evil :)...and the Great Rockies Sport Show?? who'd a thunk)

It's unethical and it's a ridiculous waste of money. OTher than that, so long as it's private money being wasted, I don't really care.

I'm fine with MOGA & every other group, but SFW should give us all pause (or, paws, if you're a guy with a malamute).
It's unethical and it's a ridiculous waste of money. OTher than that, so long as it's private money being wasted, I don't really care.

I'm fine with MOGA & every other group, but SFW should give us all pause (or, paws, if you're a guy with a malamute).

I understand whole hardheartedly. I talked with them in the very beggining and suggested they be careful.

Hard to argue with the fact that they are throwing support and their resources at them. Do you turn it down to spite them hoping to win favor from those that give you very little support?

This is one time we should stand together and unite against a blatant anti hunting movement.

If you think this will end with the trapping activity on public lands your naive.

Recreational Hunting's flank will be exposed.
I'm not swaying I won't fight the initiative, but given the line up, it'll turn into the TEA party versus the world.
I'm not swaying I won't fight the initiative, but given the line up, it'll turn into the TEA party versus the world.

Only if we distance ourselves at our own expense.

We don't let the Tea Party carry the day. This is our fight as much as it is theirs.

Sometimes alliances aren't what we wish, but the added strength is nice.
I won't legitimize a group that has no ethical standing and who has advocated for the test & slaughter of the Northern Yellowstone Elk Herd, killing large carnivores willy-nilly and lied about myself and friends of mine.

You can if you want, but I don't lie down with snakes.
Ben, it's not about SFW. We're not rallying behind them. They aren't Montanan's for Effective Wildlife Management. They just happen to be on the same side this time. How does that legitimize them?

We can't win this by just saying "I support trapping".Thats not enough this time.
Let me know how long it takes until they issue a press release claiming folks behind this are part of agenda 21.
This is a big issue in Montana. MTA has a fight on their hands with this one. I would hope all sportsmen, regardless of affiliation, will join the effort to fight the ban on trapping of public lands in Montana. I would recommend that every sportsman join the Montana Trappers association. If the anti's win this one they will just go after someone else's favorite activity next. We need to stand united if we want to protect our rights to hunt and trap.

There is also an online auction starting tomorrow (2-26-2014) with proceeds going to the MTA over on It looks like lots of good stuff is being donated so it should have something for everyone.
Let me know how long it takes until they issue a press release claiming folks behind this are part of agenda 21.

Not going to happen.

If this passes, how long do you think they'll let us go before the first anti hunting initiative is ran? Say hound hunting next?

Anja Hyster, founder of footloose was adamant that hunting be included in their cause.

This group is not ran by SFW. Just supported. Don't see why that bothers you.

We aren't supporting any ideology of theirs. We are supporting the legality of trapping.
Well I support trapping and I don't support SFW. I won't be a part of a group that they are a major player in.

That doesn't mean I won't be advocating against the initiative, it just means I don't want to work with people who have repeatedly tried to stick knives in my back. I have a deep fondness for MTA and if RCFWA decides to join this, I'll still love them too.

But I don't need to lower my standards and lie down with the devil.
Ben, you understand that the MTA and SFW are two different groups, and Montanan's for effective Wildlife Management is a spin off of MTA to address the Initiative?
Don't get me wrong, I am not and never have been a member of SFW. I just think that whatever group you are affiliated with you should be concerned with this bill.
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