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Montana Trapping 3rd Degree (important)


New member
Nov 19, 2010
Kalispell, Montana
Got a call tonight for a survey..nice girl, very well versed in doing surveys.
Questions; 60 in number, answers multiple choice..highly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, highly disagree.
The Questions were worded so that a non-outdoors person might want to side on the tree hugger inititive?
Well, I was not fooled, in no uncerain terms I gave them what they may or maynot have wanted to hear?
The referendum will ask the public to vote on wether all public land trapping should be deleted in favor of huge control by Montana FWP and only permit trapping on private lands.
It is a true "do away with trapping, hunting and fishing in Montana" effort.
The referendum will be worded like- "Do you approve of Trapping regulations, eliminating the practice in Montana". Just giving a heads up to Montana sportsmen to start pushing for defeat of this referendum. Be advised I believe they got their information from FW&P license rolls, and or the voting rolls..
Last Question: Are you a Republican, Democrat etc...They never once gave the sponsor of the survey. If called, please listen carefully as the wording is misleading on the choices?
Thanks for your time
William C. Bowser
Global Internet Video
The folks that started this, "Foot Loose" I think they call themselves? Tried to get an initiative on the last ballot and failed. Word has it, that they "learned" from their failure and plan to succeed this time...

Sad deal, but its going to be a tough one for trappers to beat... too many town/city folks voting on it that dont have a fricken clue.
I think all outdoorspeople need to stick together whether you trap or not, and defeat crap like this. You never know what they may want to outlaw next, it may be something you love to do.
I also recieved the same call. I assured them that I was strongly against the propsed changes, but after every question I answered they kept asking me if I still felt the same way, as if some of the proponent ideas were going to change my mind.

I find it ridiculous how a some of these groups find a way to manipulate a question to get the response they desire.
There is a way to defeat.

I will be hounding the elections people in Helena to closely look at all the petition signatures, and before it hits a ballot try to defeat by that process. Then the best avenue is a campaign by all of us to get our clubs and organizations together to bring every eligible voter to the polls on election day. The wording will be tricky, just like the questions.So explantiona will be needed to make sure the right box is checked. I trapped with i was 12 years old in Pennsylvania and made some good winter money in those days and it was fun, taught me the outdoors. I for one will be meeting with some trappers locally to help out if I can.
Good heads up. I recall a while ago inquiring about traps not being identified for location in public land... Initially, I had concern over this though after understanding more about the subject of trapping by some of our avid trappers, Shootstraight, etc..., it alleviated my thoughts... I hate to say it though you are right. It will be a tough battle if this does show up... I know very little on the subject of trapping and had I not found discussion here... who knows what the average joe/jane might support.
Trapping is and "Indicator" of outdoor activities, that are tolerated by the public. Just as certain species are "Indicator" species, that let us know the health of our environment, Trapping gives us an idea of the health of these activities in relation to public acceptance. Whether we like it or not, we need the majority of the voting public to accept us. Trapping is one of those activities that insulates the bigger ones. We need to keep all of our outdoor activities in tact.

What would be their (anti's) next move after stopping trapping? Hound hunting? Spring Bear?

I would hope that trapping would be a tool we could use, if wolves need more management. It would be a better use than aerial gunning.
It will take a marketing/public relations sweep of all sportsmen and women to thwart this move.
They use lies, misinformation, hate and damage to life and limb to push their agendas.
They normally focus on non-outdoors people to gain their signatures and votes filling them with the mis-information. We have to give our side of the picture to those people also. I have never, ever heard of a hiker, bicyclist, flower gatherer or others getting caught in a wildlife trap? We trap in the dead of winter, freezing temperatures, never once saw anyone on a bicycle or hiking. If we just can persuade voters that the season itself is proof enough that the public is protected we can defeat the proposal. Another tact is cross country skiers, the do not go anywhere near the sets as they have groomed trails. I just hope that these so-called environmentalists can go back to San Francisco and beat their drums, smoke their dope and leave us alone.
I would hope that trapping would be a tool we could use, if wolves need more management. It would be a better use than aerial gunning.

We are going to need both as potential options, like it or not. This is a bad move if the MT gives up the ability to trap. Folks need to wake up, even non-hunters.
Remember too, that the way Footloose went about last year was to only eliminate the ability to trap on public lands. They will come at it from any way possible to ensure that some elimination of trapping rights will come about. Last time, they were not well funded or organized. That is changing based on the polling and how close they came last time.

Hunters have to stand with the trappers on this. We cannot let a wedge be driven between us. As for trapping as a wolf management tool, I agree that it will be a valuable asset in the tool box.
An attack on sportsman from the left? Isn't that impossible? I thought only those crazy republicans were a threat to us?:confused: ;)
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