Caribou Gear Tarp

Montana legislative scorecard


Apr 22, 2012
I am going to start a "legislative score card" so to speak. I will not actually score them but i will post the ones against the transfer of federal lands and their views on any other sportsman issues.
Well lets start with SD7 (Thompson Falls). This is currently held by Jennifer Fielder (R) (And if anyone on this forum does not know her they should) she is Montana's primary pusher for the state taking over of Federal Lands and has aligned herself with Utah politicians and the ALC, she is another out of stater trying to sell Montana down the river. Her republican opponent is Glen Ferren (R) ( He is against the transfer of public lands. Jennifer needs to go.
Okay I had to start with Jennifer Fielder, I feel this is the most important MT race besides Governor. She is the primary pusher and advocate of the transfer of public lands to private rich people, sorry I mean the states. She must get voted out, be gone with her political career, forever. Next we will move to the capital, Helena.
Helena SD40- (D) Joshua Manning V Hal Jacobson (

Hal Jacobson-"On the issue of public land management, he is staunchly against an attempt to transfer federal land ownership to the state".(Directly from the article).

(R) Terry Gauthier, Drew Turiano, and Carl Garcia. (

Garcia says “States know best in my opinion rather than the feds,” he said. He is in support of the land transfer

Gauthier says-On the issue of public land management, Montana could not afford the ownership of federal lands, although individual transfers or sales may be appropriate on a case by case basis, he said.

Turiano says-“I believe the land should be transferred -- I believe it’s our land,” he said. “We can sell it. We can frack on it. It’s better having it in private hands because so much of our wealth comes from our natural resources.” (Wake up public land transfer supporters, this is what will happen should a transfer of public lands happen, at least this guy comes right out and tells the truth about what will happen to our lands)

Jacobson is the way to go and absolutely we should not take Turiano. (Turiano is another out of stater from New York)
Alright more to come. I will touch on the major districts in the larger cities first and move down the list.
HD68 (Bozeman)

(R) Bruce Grubbs V (R) Art Wittich. This is also a very important race. Art represented Gianforte when he tried to sue FWP over stream access. Also "Wittich’s firm has also represented the United Property Owners of Montana, who for years have tried to fence off Montana's public stream access laws" ( Art was also recently convicted for violating campaign finance laws. I could not find a ton of info on Bruce ( but at least he aint Art.
HD68 (Bozeman)

(R) Bruce Grubbs V (R) Art Wittich. This is also a very important race. Art represented Gianforte when he tried to sue FWP over stream access. Also "Wittich’s firm has also represented the United Property Owners of Montana, who for years have tried to fence off Montana's public stream access laws" ( Art was also recently convicted for violating campaign finance laws. I could not find a ton of info on Bruce ( but at least he aint Art.

I have some info on Grubbs.... Shannon Taylor and I sat down with him to talk hunting. We both agree he is FAR better than Art. Grubbs does not support transferring fed lands to the state. He likes to hunt public lands and block management, although he is fairly busy so he hasn't been able to do it the last few years. He is a river user and understands the need for stream access.

He is not a walking encyclopedia on hunting issues. His big issues are dark money and education/infrastructure (he's been on the school board forever). However, he is very willing to listen and learn, and he values the things we do. He isn't going to be bullied by the extremists in the party.

I'm supporting Grubbs fully with my own money, getting my friends to vote for him, getting the word out, and encouraging others to do the same. This is a race where we have a good chance to gain some ground, but only if you can get your friends to vote for him.
Thanks RobG for your input. Art needs to go, he is out of my voting area but otherwise I would go with Bruce for sure. spread the word guys..
I have some info on Grubbs.... Shannon Taylor and I sat down with him to talk hunting. We both agree he is FAR better than Art. Grubbs does not support transferring fed lands to the state. He likes to hunt public lands and block management, although he is fairly busy so he hasn't been able to do it the last few years. He is a river user and understands the need for stream access.

He is not a walking encyclopedia on hunting issues. His big issues are dark money and education/infrastructure (he's been on the school board forever). However, he is very willing to listen and learn, and he values the things we do. He isn't going to be bullied by the extremists in the party.

I'm supporting Grubbs fully with my own money, getting my friends to vote for him, getting the word out, and encouraging others to do the same. This is a race where we have a good chance to gain some ground, but only if you can get your friends to vote for him.

X2. I'm trying to meet with Bruce this week and do what I can to help him, financially, with my platforms, LTE, etc. For Bruce to win would be a groin kick to Wittich and his cronies.
You won't find a stronger advocate for Montana's public education system. Bruce has volunteered his time and energy for years as a school board member and in business providing educational services. It is good to learn he is also supportive of public lands, hunting legacy, and stream access. Grubbs provides a very positive and refreshing alternative to the obstructionist radical right wing element which has been stifling healthy progress of the Montana legislature for the past several sessions.
One more thing about Grubbs. If Wittich gets booted from office for his corruption conviction it will be after the primary election. A replacement will be nominated, but unfortunately I'm told the nominating committee is just as bad as Wittich. Also, this district is republican and the winner of the primary election will win the general election. We really have to boot Wittich in the primary.

If you live south of I-90 and north of Hulbert, between Bozeman and the Gallatin River you are in HD 68. Go down to the courthouse and get registered if you are not already. You can pick up a ballot then and vote early. You can vote the R ballot even if you registered D. It is an honor to be able to vote for the best candidate in the primary so take the opportunity.

This is a pretty good link several of the the candidate's in and surrounding the Billings area. The specific question was asked and answered concerning the transfer of public lands. For the most part Democrat candidates are against it and Republican candidates are for it (Although this is not always the case). Anyway I thought it was a decent link.
SD 10 (Great Falls) J.C. Kantorowicz (R) V. Steve Fitzpatrick (R).

Steve did help kill the federal land transfer study bill ( and he has a 40% on the MSA Score card, which is not real great but Republicans don't score that high it would seem. ( 2015 Legislative Scorecard.pdf).

J.C. did make have this "bullet statement" to say. (‎-the-bullet-statement/) and he has violated a couple game laws some time ago (,d.cGc)
Say what you will about J.C., but here's my personal experience with him:

I knocked on his door to goose hunt a few years ago. Never met him before. By the time him and his wife were done talking to me an hour had easily passed. They were very friendly people that have obviously worked extremely hard to become successful. He opened his land up to me to enjoy as if it were my own...and continues to do so. He had also done this with other sportsman that have asked for permission as well. Nobody's perfect but he's certainly got my support for how I was treated in the past.
I got my reply from Bruce Grubbs, on Public lands and access. Here is his reply.

Hi Kathryn, I am a long time hunter and support public access and maintaining public lands and wildlife.

I met with MONTANA Sportsmen Alliance and am in sync with their priorities.

Say what you will about J.C., but here's my personal experience with him:

I knocked on his door to goose hunt a few years ago. Never met him before. By the time him and his wife were done talking to me an hour had easily passed. They were very friendly people that have obviously worked extremely hard to become successful. He opened his land up to me to enjoy as if it were my own...and continues to do so. He had also done this with other sportsman that have asked for permission as well. Nobody's perfect but he's certainly got my support for how I was treated in the past.

Thanks Bugle, any input or personal experience is good. I am just doing my best to dig up whatever info I can find on the candidates, there is only one I know personally and I haven't even mentioned him yet, but other than that its what I find on the net or what others have to add.