PEAX Equipment

Montana 323

Nice job! I would love to add notch in the belt for a mountain goat. looks like it is maybe a 6-7 year old nanny. Is that close, Fire?
I never did get a very ring count for an age but she was a 9" nanny. Trying to get my pictures organized and a quick story typed up
Thank you. I look forward to the rest of the story. I was correct on sex and length. That is a spectacular picture.
I've never been much of a writer but here goes nothing. I may as well start from the beginning. Since moving to Montana I have been able to help two buddies on their goat hunts and wanted nothing more than to harvest one of my own. I would actually take a goat hunt over a sheep hunt any day of the week. Not sure why but they have always done something for me. Before drawing results came out I had begun applying for jobs in a few other western states and landed several interviews. I soon had job offers in Redmond and Bend, OR. The job in Redmond was pretty close to perfect and was going to call and accept the offer Tuesday afternoon. I had joked with my girlfriend Ashley that everything was a go as long as I didn't draw my goat tag. Not sure if anyone remembers but results came out on a Monday, 24 hours before I was going to accept a job. I tried to work out some time off with the new company but they weren't having it so I declined their offer. Luckily Ashley believes everything happens for a reason and decided to stick it out through hunting season. A few weeks after the results came out, I got word that the buddy I had helped goat hunt in 2013 had tragically passed while biking with his grandson. I hadn't met any of his family before the funeral but they all knew me from the pictures of Chuck with his goat.

Since I already posted the only scouting pictures I had I'll jump to the hunt. Going into the season I wasn't sure if I'd have anyone to hunt with. I was lucky enough to talk my brother into taking a little time off work to make the first trip with me. My hunting partner shot his elk earlier in the week so that made him and his sister, who flew out from Washington to video our elk hunt, available as well. The last piece of the puzzle came together a few days before we were scheduled to leave. We found someone to watch the dog so Ashley was able to join us too. So we loaded up and headed to Livingston Thursday night. Friday morning came early and we started our 5 mile trek to where I wanted to camp. We had snow the whole way up so it took a little longer than I thought to make it to camp so we decided to hang around camp and do a little glassing the rest of the night.

Everyone was a little sore from our hike up so we slept in a little later than I would have liked but that's the way it goes. After an hour long hike we reached the ridge and started glassing. It only took about 5 minutes to spot a group of goats. We counted 6 together and a lone goat in the cliffs below them. We also spotted a good sized bear before we took off after the goats. I knew we were going after a group of nannies but everyone was excited so I thought what the heck. We came out on the ridge 350 yards above them. I wasn't real impressed with what I saw but decided to leave the girls on top and sneak down for a better look. I had all sorts of thoughts running through my head in those few hundred yards. We had goats from 40 yards to 100 yards and the furthest one looked like a good nanny without a kid. After a quick heart to heart with myself I decided to shoot. She was next to a really steep drop off so I opted for a neck shot and put her right down. I decided its not always about what you shoot, its who you get to experience it with. I never thought I'd turn into a first day nanny shooter but I'm very happy that I did. After a couple mile pack back to camp it was all said and done everyone was grinning ear to ear.

I'm having a hard time posting pictures so I'll try to get some up soon

A big thanks to Big Fin, Cowboy, and Rat Fink. Its always nice when fellow hunters are willing to share information
A few pictures before we took off and one on the trail


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My buddy Caleb decided to slice his finger open right after setting camp up and was pretty proud of it. The stove in the tipi made the chilly nights a little more enjoyable


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Congratulations ,, looks like you had a great hunt with good friends and got a goat to top off the cake :) my wife drew 323 and we will be heading in the 28th hope to be as successful..
A few more pictures of the goat and one billy that we couldn't get to


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Well done on one of the best hunts out there. Cool that you got to spend it with friends and family. Many of your pics brought back great memories for me, this one in particular.

I drew this permit for a second time in 2008, but took my 7 month puppy on the first hunt in 2000 in this area and here is a shot of him of him on a scouting trip in '08. I was hoping he would join me on two MT goat hunts, but this scouting trip was almost more than he could take.

Hopefully I didn't detract from you post. Cool county and amazing memories. Thanks for sharing.

Familiar road sign. Axl liked the prop as well.:D


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Great job on the goat. ...I've always said the same thing. ...goats are my number one they are so cool the way they live and everything about them. ....I'm my opinion. ......glad you enjoyed your hunt and I can't wait to draw a tag myself. ....congrats
I've got to throw this one in too just because it's one of my favorite pictures. This was Chuck's goat from 2013. I don't know too many 63 year olds that could have made it where he did


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Congrats on the Goat. It sure is an amazing place and hunt. Glad you enjoyed it, and much like you my hunt was all about the experience.
That's always sounded like the goat holy land to me. Unbelievable scenery, and looks like great company to boot. Congrats on the goat.
Now that is pretty darn cool. Sharing hunting camp with friends and family is what makes up my fondest hunting memories. Thanks for sharing.
Congrats on an awesome hunt and beautiful goat! It looks like you guys had a pretty cool time. I've been on 2 hunts (mine in 2010, and my friends last fall) in 329 right next to where you were. That's some pretty amazing country. Can't wait to start applying again in 2018.

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