Miracle puppy for sale. AKC GSP $100

T Bone

Well-known member
Jan 8, 2001
Eastern Idaho
Hey all,

As some may recall my two GSP's have thrown two litters. After the last go around we decided we were done with puppies. For some reason we didn't make an appointment to get the male cut until the female was already in heat. No problem, we just kept them seperated.....except for one extremely brief meeting when my kids let out the female on accident. I was there and they assumed the position for 1.5 seconds, no where near long enough to connect.

Well......62 days later out comes one single male pup. Amazing. I mean literally, they were inches apart from connecting. The shear physics are mind boggling. That single sperm had to jump, run, and swim for miles (sperm miles:)))

So this pup is AKC registered, tail docked, dew clawed, and will have all appropriate vet visits.

The pup is located near Rapid City, SD. It needs to be picked up March 14th or 15th as we are leaving on a family trip on the 16th.
$100 and he's yours. I'm just looking to cover the registration and vet costs.

I have both parents on site. Both parents are solid liver with white chest markings. Both are small for the breed. Both are hardcore bird dogs. PM or call me on my cell phone 605 430 5384. 4 generation pedigrees on both parents available. Kid loved from day one.

I'll advertise the pup here for another 2 weeks then will advertise on a few other bulletin boards to get this little guy a good hunting home.
Your family trip wouldn't happen to be to Boise? I might be interested.
gunner cuervo

Sorry you can't come to Disneyland with us. Max of 6 per room at our motel.

Pup would need to be picked up at our place, as airlines won't fly pups until they're 8 weeks IIRC.
Tyson - Give me a call if you have time and the family permits. We live in the OC, not far from there. I'd be tempted if you could bring the pup out with you, but I'm still waiting for my daughter's 18-year old dog to give up the ghost. Strokes, no teeth, deaf and cataracts...keeps going like the energizer bunny. :(

You sure you want to invite our tribe of 6 over? The kids are wild and unruly, but we may just take you up on that for an evening meal.

Puppy still available guys.
Wow I love my GSP. I would go for it if I could get to there to pick up the pup but I just can not. Any body wanting a great hunter/family friend cant no tgo wrong.
Well my wife is having some health issues and an upcoming surgery and that has me tied down. We have a friend that has the solid colored GSP and she loves it to death, but again things are just not right for us at this time. Another thing is I will be gone from June 2 till July 18th for work and I am unsure if she it would be fare to make her handle the puppy by herself. We are hard core dog people that consider them our kids and want another one but say la VO.
Tyson - sure. Our house is kid and pet friendly. (3 dogs, 3 cats, many fish, a mouse, a gecko, etc.) My wife has 3 sisters and a brother, all with kids. We are used to crowds.

How long are you in town? We could show you some of the other sights, too. Maybe buy tickets to Disneyland at the discounted local rate for you, if that is still in effect? We are donors to the LB Aquarium, so get some free tickets every year - I can check to see if we still have any. My wife was born in Newport Beach, so she can also show your family all the local beaches, etc.
One more day here then the pup will be advertised on other boards. He's shaping up into a fine looking dog.


This is one very spoiled little pup. No competition for food and my two younger kids often have him in tow.
Long gone to a good hunting home in NE Montana.

Both parents have been neutered. Puppy days are over for my two dogs.

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