Meateater's "Dumbest" Poacher


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
Gold... I recall the pic. Pretty impressive until... Farm raised purchased and sold specific to the client.

Suppose the $20k to boast about it, probably with a twist to the story.

Agree, pretty darn dumb...

Poaching is stupid period. Wasting a grain fed animal is just sad. These guys that poach need to learn that it's like robbing a banks, you will get caught eventually. Always faster if you are bragging about it on social media.
We had a dumb one that finally got nailed in AZ. Poached 4 muleys, 2 of which were over 200" and a B&C bear in a year's time. One of the bucks netted almost 200" as a typical and got a lot of publicity when he killed it. Even won an award and story contest with it. he got off light with a 10 year ban and 18k fines
Get a rope, we'll just hang him like in the old days. Or with today's mentality, we could just deem it "not that bad". Just ignore it and hope people will change and stop on their own.

Should be grand theft either way. That guy needs jail time for sure.
Last year there were some trespass cattle on USFWS land in winter range. The owner knew all about it. If it happens this year I think I’ll be stocked up on rib-eyes.
It's hard for me to see the image of the headless deer and not have an immediate emotional reaction overcome you, both of sadness and anger.

On a somewhat related topic...I may be misremembering but if I recall correctly, didnt the meateater podcast have someone on who was mentioning something like the overwhelming majority of poaching is done by a small percentage of serial poachers who arent out for social media posts but quietly build up these massive collections of poached animals? I wonder what their penalties would tally, if caught.
It's hard for me to see the image of the headless deer and not have an immediate emotional reaction overcome you, both of sadness and anger.

On a somewhat related topic...I may be misremembering but if I recall correctly, didnt the meateater podcast have someone on who was mentioning something like the overwhelming majority of poaching is done by a small percentage of serial poachers who arent out for social media posts but quietly build up these massive collections of poached animals? I wonder what their penalties would tally, if caught.

I remember that podcast. The guest said that the guys that make the biggest impact don't even usually tell anyone. They just amass the massive collections you mention. They do it for the personal thrill.
Meh they missed the mark here IMO. You can’t poach a high fence pet. They should be outlawed by now I don’t get it. But I am upset he left the meat to rot.