March Madness: Wildlife Conservation & Free For All Events


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
POST updated for common access to current information:

This is the largest annual Hunt Talk sport event!

Commissioner @jabber is at the helm!

Prizes are more abundant than ever!

March Madness schedule:

First round: March 20-21
Second round: March 22-23
Sweet 16: March 27-28
Elite Eight: March 29-30
Final Four: April 5 at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas
NCAA championship game: April 7 at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas

Participants for the Hunt Talk Wildlife Conservation are noted below:
  1. Jabber / Jabber*
  2. Sytes / MTGriz's Bad Ass Mo Fo Sho!*
  3. Oak / Oak's jokes*
  4. Big Fin / Randy's Nice Bracket*
  5. Elky Welky / ?***
  6. Hilljackoutlaw / Hilljackoutlaw*
  7. Forkyfinder / bha bracket for forky*
  8. Honeybadger / Dirty Mike and the Boys*
  9. HappyCamper / HappyCamper*
  10. Hunting Wife / H-Dub's Bracket*
  11. Sawtooth / Sawtooth's Super Bracket*
  12. Northwoods / Kevin*
  13. INMT / INMT To the Top*
  14. Wild Bill / Wild Bill's Bracket*
  15. Kansasdad / Kansasdad's Neat Bracket*
  16. Dave N / Dave's Wild-ass Guess*
  17. Cap'n Crunch / Time2Go*
  18. Warmer / Warmer's Coolers*
  19. Pro Mo / Promo code pro mo*
  20. Devil Diver Down / DevilDiverDown Init2winit*
  21. Gulf of America / March Radness*
  22. Lukethedog / Eddie's Dazzling Bracket*
  23. Cedahm / Cedahm*
  24. Ashersdad / Ashersdad losing bracket*
  25. Addicting / Addicted to second place*
  26. Jamen / Jamen's Bracket*
  27. JWill / Jason's HT Bracket*
  28. mitchamafied / Entering My Golden Era*
  29. Benfromalbuquerque / Benjamin’s Tip Top Bracket*

Fantastic organizations that promote wildlife habitat/access and outdoor/public access advocacy

Randy's endeavor to support our current and future generation outdoor enjoyment and wildlife conservation platform for these enjoyable sporting events that he's permitted use for promoting wildlife organizations, via this site, Hunt Talk & Randy Newberg's Fresh Tracks:

Sytes family contributions of two single year, "$50 Team Elk member" memberships and customized items for this event, promoting Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation's continuous focus on the future of elk, other wildlife, their habitat and our hunting heritage.
Donations / memberships supported by @Hilljackoutlaw , @HappyCamper , @Dave N , @Sawtooth , @Jamen

Oak's personal contribution promoting Rocky Mountain Bighorn Society who's Raised over $3000000 for wild sheep conservation with @LuketheDog donation in support:

Elky Welky's promotion and prize contributions from Backcountry Hunters & Anglers who actively engage in supporting the present and future of our opportunities and wildlife. Donation made by @ashersdad @Forkyfinder @mitchamafied

Jabber, Forkyfinder, and Hilljackoutlaw's gift card additions to our prize pool ($150!)!

The near future opening of the North American Pronghorn Foundation!
with many Hunt Talk member's support including, for this event, @Wild Bill , @Cap’n Crunch , @Gulf of America , @Addicting and anonymous contributor.
The North American Pronghorn Foundation enhances pronghorn populations and habitats through advocacy, stewardship, stakeholder partnerships, and our hunting heritage

@HONEYBADGER donation towards the Wild Sheep Foundation's motto, "To Put and Keep Wild Sheep on the Mountain"!

@Hunting Wife donation towards the North American Grouse Partnership!
"Our goal is to ensure that grouse conservation is guided by science, public policies are beneficial to grouse and that on-the-ground management of lands lead to positive outcomes for grouse.

@Big Fin and @INMT donation towards the Public Land and Water Access!
"The mission of PLWA is to maintain, restore, and perpetuate public access to the boundaries of all Montana’s public lands and waters."

@Sawtooth donation towards Idaho Wildlife Federation!
"The Idaho Wildlife Federation is a non-profit organization that advocates for the conservation of Idaho’s fish and wildlife, habitat, and outdoor heritage."

@Northwoods and @cedahm donations towards the National Wild Turkey Federation!
"The mission of the National Wild Turkey Federation is the conservation of the wild turkey and the preservation of our hunting" heritage."

@INMT @Gulf of America donation towards Montana Wildlife Federation!
"We are passionately committed to preserving Montana’s unique and diverse wildlife. From majestic grizzly bears to elusive mountain lions, and from soaring golden eagles to iconic elk herds, we tirelessly advocate for their protection."

@kansasdad donation towards Pass It On! Outdoor Mentors Organization!
"Our Mission: Empowering young people through outdoors experiences & mentorship."

@warmer donation towards the South Dakota Wildlife Federation!
"SDWF is an affiliate of the National Wildlife Federation, the largest conservation organization in the world. The close working relationship between the state and national organizations ensures effective, coordinated conservation action at all levels of government.
For over sixty-five years, SDWF has been leading the fight to protect the interests of South Dakota’s current and future outdoor sports enthusiasts.

@PRO MO donation towards the Arizona Deer Association!
"Nonprofit conservation organization dedicated to improving habitat and expanding Arizona’s mule deer and Coues deer herds."

@Devil Diver Down donation towards the Arizona Elk Society!
"AES is dedicated to benefiting elk, advancing wildlife conservation, and preserving outdoor recreation traditions for present and future generations."

@Jwill donation towards the Fish & Wildlife Volunteers!
"Fish & Wildlife Volunteers exists to help ordinary businesses and people do extraordinary volunteer work for wildlife and wild places."

Black Bold = Member spotlight / promotion via donation and (or) gift memberships.
Blue Bold = Organizations promoted by members who have shared prizes for the events.
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One Bracket up to two entries!
NOTICE: If any donation is declined or not claimed by the prize winner, the item reverts to the donor.

Entry One: FREE ENTRY! Open for all Hunt Talk members!
Approx value: $150

@Big Fin Randy Newberg Fresh Tracks Subscription including the elk e-guide!

Sytes personal donation, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation $50 Supporting membership!


Sytes wife, an avid outdoors person, offered the following glass beer stein customized to commemorate the 2025 HT March Madness winner:
*example prior previous event: Name or User ID. May be modified depending on wife's creative adjustments.


This goes to the person with the lowest score! (Complete bracket)

A $50 Scheels email gift card! Donated by @jabber !

Once winners of the Free For All and Lowest Score are announced, you are required to claim your prize via Hunt Talk private message to @Sytes within five days. To receive your prize(s), you are required to provide the email address used to create your Hunt Talk March Madness Bracket as confirmation/verification the bracket is yours.


~Need at least 15 entries~
Entry Two (SAME BRACKET): Entry required purchase of membership with your choice of wildlife organization for a family member or friend OR your own donation to the organization of your choice. Honor system.
Please post the organization you promoted for the donation as your entry.

Winner's prize donations in order of placement:

Approx value: $500

First Place has the option to choose the Taurus PT111 or the Gerber customized Strongarm knife.
Second Place will receive the item not chosen by first place.

Used Taurus PT111 prize paid by Sytes, @Benfromalbuquerque donating shipping expense and managing transfer. Winner is responsible for all fee(s) including required compliant FFL for lawful transfer. Winner must be in a State lawful to receive the firearm via interstate transfer.


Randy Newberg Fresh Tracks Sponsor Gerber customized "Strongarm" knife donated by Sytes.


Randy Newberg donation, Fresh Tracks Subscription including the elk e-guide!

@Elky Welky , on behalf of the Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, donation FREE "Gift Membership" with Backcountry Hunters & Anglers!

Oak's personal swag Yeti Rocky Mountain Bighorn Society donation!
RMBS has raised over $3,000,000 towards wild sheep conservation!


Sytes wife, an avid outdoors person, offered the following customized donations:
  • Maple blood grooved cutting board with customized design on backside for display.
  • Two slate coasters customized within select designs fitting your favorite wildlife and your last name (top center).
  • Two whiskey glasses customized with your initial and name below


Glass beer stein customized to commemorate the 1st place winner, donated by Sytes wife.
*example prior previous event: Name or User ID. May be modified depending on wife's creative adjustments.


Approx value: $360

Second Place winner receives the choice not selected by First place. Either the used Taurus PT111 or the Gerber customized, "Strongarm" knife, both donations made by Sytes.

Oak Personal donation, FREE membership with Rocky Mountain Bighorn Society!

Oak's personal swag RMBS sweet ball cap Rocky Mountain Bighorn Society donation!
RMBS has raised over $3,000,000 towards wild sheep conservation!

One example of our RMBS raffle purchase power placed to great use:
"Colorado Parks and Wildlife used Big Game Auction and Raffle License Program funds raised by Rocky Mountain Bighorn Society to transplant 21 bighorn sheep from the Rampart herd to Beaver Creek. These bighorns will augment the remnant population that has persisted in Beaver Creek following a die-off decades ago."

AND Oak is adding a bit of Rocky Mountain Bighorn Society swag!


Anonymous donor and @brocksw 's agreement for the upcoming North American Pronghorn Foundation!
A NAPF swag hat and membership upon the upcoming opening of the site and swag line availability.
Join in and support the organization at the link below!

“The North American Pronghorn Foundation enhances pronghorn populations and habitats through advocacy, stewardship, stakeholder partnerships, and our hunting heritage”

@Forkyfinder shared the following donation for the conservation event, $50 Scheels email gift card!


Glass beer stein customized to commemorate the 2nd Place winner, donated by Sytes wife.
*example prior previous event: Name or User ID. May be modified depending on wife's creative adjustments.


Approx value: $125

Sytes personal donation, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation $50 Supporting membership!
@Hilljackoutlaw shared the following donation for the conservation event, $50 First Lite gift card!


Glass beer stein customized to commemorate 3rd Place winner, donated by Sytes wife:

*example prior previous event: Name or User ID. May be modified depending on wife's creative adjustments.

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Per Yahoo MM Bracket commissioner Jabber, Yahoo designated point structure is the scoring used to determine winner.

Points and Tiebreaker process:



If two or more players in a group finish with the same overall point total after a national champion is crowned, we'll use the following system to break the tie (for tiebreakers, we only take predicted points into consideration):

  • First tiebreaker - Closest prediction of total points scored by both teams wins.
  • Second tiebreaker - Closest prediction for points scored by the winning team.
  • Third tiebreaker - Closest prediction for points scored by the losing team.
  • If beyond a third - If the last tiebreaker is deadlocked, the players remain tied in the standings and Sytes holds the final determination for distributing prizes.
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54th signed up now

We won't have my alma mater in the tourney this year for some freaking good upsets. Hopefully a March Madness to be remembered.
Updated Post two with prize listings for both events, using the same bracket entry.
Thanks for putting this together!
T'is that time of year! :) All in good fun and for the promotion of fantastic wildlife organizations!
Jabber has hosted this event annually since...? As I recall it's been several years. Likely the only real annual Hunt Talk national sports event that gains a great deal of HT value and enjoyment!

POST #3 UPDATED: Point structure and Tiebreaker procedures.
In order to compete in ENTRY TWO (Minimum 15 participants), HOP IN ! Enjoy the fun! Promote your favorite wildlife organization!


Entry Two (SAME BRACKET): Entry required purchase of membership with your choice of wildlife organization for a family member or friend. Honor system.
(No need to provide verification)
Please post the organization you promoted for the donated membership as your entry.

*Note: Those who donated prizes are automatically entered into Entry Two.
First, thanks to Forkyfinder, he's added a $50 Scheels gift card to the winner of the entry Supporting our wildlife!

Second, on note of my entry;

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

RMEF's involvement and promotion:

Hunt Talk March Madness
Selection Sunday - the 16th!

The 2025 March Madness tournament starts with Selection Sunday on March 16 as 68 teams will play in the 2025 NCAA tournament for men's basketball. Check out the full schedule below:

Selection Sunday: 6 p.m. ET Sunday, March 16

First round: March 20-21
Second round: March 22-23
Sweet 16: March 27-28
Elite Eight: March 29-30
Final Four: April 5 at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas
NCAA championship game: April 7 at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas
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Added Forkyfinder added a $50 Scheels email first card to the winner of the wildlife conservation event! Thank you FF!

ALSO - An enjoyable part of the Hunt Talk Football prize pool, LOWEST SCORE!


This goes to the person with the lowest score!

A $50 Scheels email gift card! Donated by Jabber!


This is for the OPEN FOR ALL event! Yes, even I have a chance to win something! :ROFLMAO:Thanks to Jabber for the $50 Scheels email g/c.
For tiebreaker: As with any ties for the greatest scores, regardless the teams in the championship, your projected scores will be used to determine the winner.
I would recommend that the lowest score has to be a complete bracket. Otherwise, those that forget to make picks will all be tied for last place.
Added to the category - Thank you.

~Need at least 15 entries~
Entry Two (SAME BRACKET): Entry required purchase of membership with your choice of wildlife organization for a family member or friend. Honor system.
Please post the organization you promoted for the donated membership as your entry.

Come on Hunt Talk members! Gather around the HT camp fire! Join in! Send a base membership to a family or friend and make a post of the favored wildlife conservation organization! That's all it takes to join the conservation event! Simple. No need to share proof, we're good for the honor system. Promote that organization with a gift to your friend or family member!

Someone, get this fire lit! Bring us together for one of the main reasons we are on Hunt Talk - To increase awareness for wildlife conservation! Promote your favored organization! Share a link to their website! Share a news article or some famed story for their action that support's our core interest at Hunt Talk!
Amended Post #2.

Open for all Hunt Talk members to join:
1st and last place awarded prizes

Wildlife conservation entry:
1st - 3rd place awarded prizes

Amended conservation entry: Personal donation or gift membership to friend or family for the wildlife organization you are promoting.
Post your organization to enter the conservation event! Give them a shout out for their commitment to our wildlife!

Videos added for those organizations promoted above gifting prizes for these events.

Step out of the recession, Social security by the numbers, and Elon on Rogan show type threads for just a few moments - join a collective interest and give a shout out for a wildlife organization you value! Get a smile on your face for a change! Enjoy one of the main purposes of Hunt Talk! Enjoy the event! Once done, hop back into your original programming. :ROFLMAO:
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Your bracket automatically enters you into our Hunt Talk Free For All event! 1st place and a Last Place set of prizes await! It's for the fun of an annual event!

NEXT - if you choose;

All you need to do for entry into the Hunt Talk conservation event:
Make a personal donation of any amount or buy a family member or buddy a base membership to YOUR choice of wildlife organizations.
NO PROOF REQUIRED - Honor system. HOWEVER to enter the conservation event for a shot at one of these prizes, promote the organization or your choice! Show off an intro video, their mission statement, or a link to the organization - That is your ticket to join this event!
Oak, Randy, Elky Welky, Forkyfinger, Hilljackoutlaw, my family - RMBS, BHA, Fresh Tacks, RMEF, gift certificates, customized outdoor focused items, all sharing prizes for the enjoyment factor of the greatest annual participation event on Hunt Talk! This involves a Free For All event AND the Hunt Talk Wildlife Conservation event!

You choose both or automatic entry into the free for all!

Join in! Have fun! If you decide to join the Conservation event - it's simple and some really great prizes from fantastic Hunt Talk members donating towards the awareness and value our wildlife conservation organizations do on behalf of the purpose we are members of Hunt Talk! :)

One Bracket up to two entries!

Entry One: FREE ENTRY! Open for all Hunt Talk members!
Approx value: $150

@Big Fin Randy Newberg Fresh Tracks Subscription including the elk e-guide!

Sytes personal donation, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation $50 Supporting membership!

View attachment 363576

Sytes wife, an avid outdoors person, offered the following glass beer stein customized to commemorate the 2025 HT March Madness winner:
*example prior previous event: Name or User ID. May be modified depending on wife's creative adjustments.


This goes to the person with the lowest score! (Complete bracket)

A $50 Scheels email gift card! Donated by @jabber !
View attachment 363922


~Need at least 15 entries~
Entry Two (SAME BRACKET): Entry required purchase of membership with your choice of wildlife organization for a family member or friend OR your own donation to the organization of your choice. Honor system.
Please post the organization you promoted for the donation as your entry.

Winner's prize donations in order of placement:

Approx value: $360

Randy Newberg donation, Fresh Tracks Subscription including the elk e-guide!

@Elky Welky , on behalf of the Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, donation FREE "Gift Membership" with Backcountry Hunters & Anglers!

Oak's personal swag Yeti Rocky Mountain Bighorn Society donation!
RMBS has raised over $3,000,000 towards wild sheep conservation!


Sytes wife, an avid outdoors person, offered the following customized donations:
  • Maple blood grooved cutting board with customized design on backside for display.
  • Two slate coasters customized within select designs fitting your favorite wildlife and your last name (top center).
  • Two whiskey glasses customized with your initial and name below


Glass beer stein customized to commemorate the 1st place winner, donated by Sytes wife.
*example prior previous event: Name or User ID. May be modified depending on wife's creative adjustments.


Approx value: $185
Oak Personal donation, FREE membership with Rocky Mountain Bighorn Society!

Oak's personal swag RMBS sweet ball cap Rocky Mountain Bighorn Society donation!
RMBS has raised over $3,000,000 towards wild sheep conservation!

One example of our RMBS raffle purchase power placed to great use:
"Colorado Parks and Wildlife used Big Game Auction and Raffle License Program funds raised by Rocky Mountain Bighorn Society to transplant 21 bighorn sheep from the Rampart herd to Beaver Creek. These bighorns will augment the remnant population that has persisted in Beaver Creek following a die-off decades ago."

AND Oak is adding a bit of Rocky Mountain Bighorn Society swag!


@Forkyfinder shared the following donation for the conservation event, $50 Scheels email gift card!


Glass beer stein customized to commemorate the 2nd Place winner, donated by Sytes wife.
*example prior previous event: Name or User ID. May be modified depending on wife's creative adjustments.


Approx value: $125

Sytes personal donation, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation $50 Supporting membership!

@Hilljackoutlaw shared the following donation for the conservation event, $50 First Lite gift card!


Glass beer stein customized to commemorate 3rd Place winner, donated by Sytes wife:
*example prior previous event: Name or User ID. May be modified depending on wife's creative adjustments.

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