Maintaining access: advice from UPOM

Leaders of UPOM seem bent on exaggerating private property rights and advocating on behalf of "rights" not supported by State or Federal Constitutions.

As an owner of several tracts of private property, I am a strong supporter of private property rights, however, I also recognize the rights of others and the importance of protecting public property rights and public access to public property.
Kind of hard to take Mark Robbins seriously on anything that involves the general public.
So what is the entire story with Bullwhacker? When did the Wilks start using it as a bargaining chip?
I have been in the crosshairs of PLWA at times. Even with some past differences I'm happy they are around and thanks to Mr Robbins I think I will send PLWA another hundred dollars. Evidently UPOM has nothing more productive to do than take potshots at a group working to protect public access. Notice how Robbins fails to tell about all the cases PLWA has won, where someone illegally blocked public access. In other words, cases where someone tried to take a public property right and take it for their own. Robbins wants to talk about over simplification. Pot meet kettle. Now that I think about it maybe I'll donate $200.

Snd for the UPOM crowd who will read this I would bet any money my recent election ballot votes looked very close to theirs. Being a property rights advocate requires that you respect all property rights, public and private property rights. To not respect both property rights is hypocritical
The day private landowners can explain to me how they should be able to lock the public out and essentially convert "public" ground into private ground, I'll start listening to their bitching.
The day private landowners can explain to me how they should be able to lock the public out and essentially convert "public" ground into private ground, I'll start listening to their bitching.

I somewhat agree. If we pretend these landlocked public parcels across the West were all private parcels...would those owners be prohibited from entry? Don't all parcels of private land have to have some form of legal access? Maybe thats not the case...but if it is...I definitely agree with the "equal rights" aspect...public and private land property rights should be equal.
I understand that Mark Robbins is the Son-in-law of the President of the Montana State Senate, Debbie Barrett from Dillon Mt. :mad:

Don't know about that, but Chuck Denowh is Barrett's SIL.

Chuck leads UPOM and other dark money groups in MT that routinely come out against public hunting and resident hunters.

Some of UPOM's record:

Support Test & Slaughter of the N. Yellowstone Elk Herd
Support slaughtering bison as they leave YNP
Support Transferable tags for landowners
Support mandating seasons through legislation rather than the F&W Commission
Oppose public access to rivers & streams
Oppose public access by corner crossing
Oppose public access by increased public lands/conservation easements/ etc

2011 & 2013 were warm up acts to 2015. There are already 56 bill draft requests on fish and wildlife. That's more than taxation, healthcare and education.

Time to saddle up folks. It's gonna get western.
With Debbie Barrett now president of the Montana Senate, the above list may very well be the titles of the Montana right wing Barrett bill drafts for the upcoming legislative session.
Mark Robbins also happens to hold the key to the gate on Mabee Road, also in litigation with PLWA. This road just so happens to access thousands of acres of public land and was closed by Mr Robbins himself. Now that I think of it, its time to send PLWA a check again.
I left a comment on the tribune page this morning but see that I never made it to their wasn't even rude, inappropriate, or wrong. It simply pointed out similar to what Randy suggested.

Mr Robbins and his group of outfitter/ranchers are only for private access to public lands. He closed Mabee road and Fergus County Attorney is too chicken to do anything about it. A friend used to guide for Robbins and has little good to say about his business practices.

I just sold my house in Lewistown and PLWA will get some of what is left after taxes & fees from closing.
Mr Robbins and his group of outfitter/ranchers are only for private access to public lands. He closed Mabee road and Fergus County Attorney is too chicken to do anything about it. A friend used to guide for Robbins and has little good to say about his business practices.

I was out that way documenting the Mabee Rd. Aug. 2013 taking pictures for PLWA in their suit for access. The gate had a lock and posted a no trespassing sign that has clearly been there awhile.


Everyone who knows a bit about it could send a short letter to the editor... The tribune accepts them from anywhere. It would be ironic if this blew up in his face. Not many people I know in Great Falls or elsewhere share his core values. I didn't know anything about UPOM until I got sucked into the vortex of this site.

I left a comment on the tribune page this morning but see that I never made it to their wasn't even rude, inappropriate, or wrong. It simply pointed out similar to what Randy suggested.

Mr Robbins and his group of outfitter/ranchers are only for private access to public lands. He closed Mabee road and Fergus County Attorney is too chicken to do anything about it. A friend used to guide for Robbins and has little good to say about his business practices.

I just sold my house in Lewistown and PLWA will get some of what is left after taxes & fees from closing.

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