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Magnum primers with H335?

Calif. Hunter

Active member
Dec 13, 2000
Apple Valley, CA, USA
I reloaded my first batch of loads with H335. I loaded up 9 of each bullet I'm trying out at 1 grain variations in charge. I noticed, of course, that H335 is a very fine-grained powder. When I was loading W748, I used small rifle magnum primers... is this needed or suggested with H335? The manual said standard primers, so that is what I used. Thanks!
CH, you neglected to say what caliber you were loading. I use H335 in .223 for varmints. I load 26.5 grains with a 53 grain Match hollowpoint and CCI SRM primers. Seems to do pretty well for me. I use exactly the same load of BLC-2 with the same results. Velocities are in the 3170 fps range and accuracy is excellent. :cool:
ooopppps! I'm loading for .223. I was looking back at my old post, had the new question and just went along with the "old" conversation. :( As I said, the load called for standard primers, but I was curious about the dense small powder andif a magnum primer would be better. I started at 24 gr, then 25, then 26 gr with a 50 gr Speer TNT. Just so I can see if a trend develops for the high end or low end. I also loaded some up with the Hornady SPX 55 gr. Eventually, I too want one load I can stick with for at least a while! A friend gave 500 of the Speer TNT's, so I want to see if they'll work well. They did in some factory rounds I had, and really did a number on ground squirrels.
Calif Huntr, small world, I have used 26.5 gr in my 223 only with 50gr Nosler Ballistic tips. I've used both the 6 1/2 and 7 1/2 rem primers in either win or norma brass. No problems, accurate as 748, and around 3360fps with the 7 1/2 primers. Let me know how this works out, you are shooting a longer barrel than I am. ;)
thanks WD! I shoot a heavy 20 inch barrel, so it may not be too much longer than yours! I used the data from Hodgdon, and they call 26.0 gr a max load. You and Danr both use 26.5, so I may load a few up at that level tonight or this weekend. This past weekend, I got some pretty good groups with IMR 3031 and 4064, but the long grains make it harder to measure accurately. How clean does the H335 burn? Any problems with extended shooting sessions?
Calif Htr, OOOOPPS, I misread your e-mail I thought that you were shooting a 26" barrel. My bad! :(
I didn't think the 335 was quite as clean as the 748 but only a very minor difference if any. Extended shooting, sorry can't help ya there, as I've only shot about 50 of those through mine. Just to back up my 748 load. Still let me know how that spread sheet worked out that I sent ya.
I like the 4064 powder in several rifles but it is a pain to load. WD