Magic Valley Big Game Meetings


New member
Feb 11, 2004
I encourage all of you to attend one of these meetings next week...please. Idaho Fish and Game needs to hear all of our opinions on the topics listed below and any other concerns that you may have.
Here is the infomation I recieved via e-mail. Thanks.

Fish & Game
News Release
For more information, call 324-4359

Big game season planning meetings and antler scoring

JEROME - The Department of Fish and Game will host three big game season planning
meetings and score sportsmen's big game animals on February 23, 24, and 25, from 5
to 8 pm.

Meetings are scheduled at the Boy Scout Center in Twin Falls on the 23, at the
Burley City Hall on the 24, and at the Community Campus (old Wood River High School)
in Hailey February 25.
Idaho Fish and Game biologists will present a number of options for this year's
hunting seasons in the Magic Valley Region and the state.
General proposals include:
* General deer season dates: October 10-31 throughout the Southeast, Upper Snake,
and Salmon regions and in Magic Valley Units 48, 49, 52A, 53, & 56. October 5-31 in
the Southwest Region and Magic Valley Units 43 and 46.
* Traditional muzzleloader deer hunt in Units 46, 47, 54, 55, & 57, November 1-14,
either-sex, 200 permits.
* Unit 44 deer: Eliminate the late buck hunt (November 10-24) and run the earlier
season October 1 - November 9 instead of October 5-31.
* Unit 43 elk: Eliminate the November either-sex hunt, keep the youth either sex
hunt, and reduce antlerless and antlered tags slightly to encourage population
* Unit 52 deer: Eliminate the traditional muzzleloader hunt and return to 2003
* Unit 54 elk: Reduce any weapon antlerless permits by 10 and add a 10-permit
antlerless traditional muzzleloader hunt November 1- 24.
* Unit 45 deer: Eliminate the 30-permit modern muzzleloader buck hunt and add those
permits to the any-weapon hunt.
* Mountain lions: Eliminate female quotas region wide.
Sportsmen are asked to comment on the proposed changes. Department staff and
officers will be on hand to answer questions and explain proposals. Information
gathered at the open houses will be used to formulate the Department's
recommendation to the Idaho Fish and Game Commission for approval at their March

People wanting to have their big game animal scored need only to bring them to the
meetings. Two Boone and Crockett scorers will be on hand to measure antlers during
the meetings.

For more information, call 324-4359.

Kelton Hatch
Idaho Department of Fish and Game
Regional Conservation Educator
(208) 324-4359 Work
539-0417 Cell
(208) 324-1160 Fax
thanks for the info fairchase. I hope they get ride of the lion quotas in other parts of the state as well.
Here's a complete list of the puplic meetings state wide that was listed on the F&G website.

Panhandle Region

March 3: Panhandle Regional Fish and Game Office, 7 p.m.

Clearwater Region
All meetings from 5 to 8 p.m.

February 15: Orofino VFW Hall, 330 Michigan Ave.

February 16: Lewiston Community Center, 1424 Main Street

February 17: Grangeville Senior Center, Hwy. 3 County Road

February 22: Moscow Fairground Exhibit Bldg., 1021 Harold

Southwest Region

Second or third week in March, to be determined

Magic Valley Region
All meetings from 5 to 8 p.m.

February 23: Twin Falls Boy Scout Center, East Falls Ave.

February 24: Burley City Hall

February 25: Hailey Community Campus (Old Wood River High School Bldg)

Southeast Region
All Meetings at 7 p.m.

February 22: Montpelier, Oregon Trail Center

February 24: Pocatello, ISU Student Union, Salmon River Suite

February 25 Preston Fire Station

Upper Snake Region
All Meetings at 7 p.m.

February 15: Mackay Junior/Senior High School

February 16: Idaho Falls Fish and Game Regional Office

February 17: Rexburg, Madison Middle School

Salmon Region
All Meetings from 4 to 7 p.m.

March 1: Salmon Fish and Game Regional Office

March 2: Challis US Forest Service Office

March 3: Stanley Location To Be Announced

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