LungBuster's first


New member
Mar 28, 2001
Ohio but my heart is always in the woods
Well Sunday morning it was only Fred Jr and I going out so I decided that I would just hang with him. We go to the 1st choice to hunt and as we walked to where we wanted to set up we jump up 2 deer. Bucks they was, a 8(4x4) point and a 6(3x3) point. So we still stayed a bit and then left. Going to another area I spy the big boy that my friend Ron wanted. It was huge deer for sure.

The other areas I thought about wasnt good for this time of morning so I remembered a spot above camp on the road in that was heavy inb sign and I had seen deer there before season crossing around 9am. So we get there and and set up. Well only 10 minutes later there is a deer. It is a spike buck. (1x1)It comes within range on us and I can not really see since I am behind my son.(I left my bow in car just to be there with him) Finally he shoots and I see the deer going away hunched over with tail down.

So I wait a few mintutes and see if I can find the bolt.(Son was using a crossbow that morning)
I cant find it so after a few minutes longer I go searching for blood. I finally find it about 40 yards away. I then hear something jump and rush away. OOPS.

So we back out and go back to camp for a hour longer. We go back with TE and start again. The blood trail is spotty at best and is dark blood. We follow a meandering trail for about 70 yards longer when I find the bolt. It is covered in and around the fletching is stuff I do not like.(I believed it was gut shot at that time and we should have backed off again at that time) We go another 40 yards and we watch the deer jump up again and it takes off. OOPS again

We back off and go back to camp and arrange to have some help. We go back 2 hours later and we search and search for blood from where we jumped it up last time. This is in heavy brush and small trees with plenty of dang thistles and thorns. We finally get more blood and start again. TE does a excellant job finding more blood and follows our friend Mel's advice on tracking deer. Finally about another distance TE yells he found the deer. It is dead at last. I hug my oldest and he is a happy camper finally getting his 1st whitetail.

We decide to drag it uphill to a clearing about 80 yards away to field dress it. We get it up there and after I ran back to camp to get needed stuff we get it to the chekc in station.

I really didnt get a good pic for his first deer because I left the camera in car while searching. Then when we got back TE had already field dressed it himself and put it in game bag.

So this pic is right before we butchered it up. I should say TE did that.


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