Low left tear on Hoyt Carbon Defiant turbo help.


Active member
Feb 21, 2016
So historically this bow has been tough to tune. Last year I had bullet holes and broadheads flying great. I had a pro shop place new string and cables this spring. We did our checks with timing and poundage. Right at 70# maxed out limbs and checked stops and they were both hitting with a solid wall. When we shot it through paper it kept giving me a terrible left tear and low left tear. My rest didnt move from last year... close to center. We tried adding twists to left yoke and taking away from right yoke but hardly any improvents. We then started on the rest, moved it right towards the riser. Started getting better tears due to time I stopped there as it had already been hours... i got home and noticed my some of my arrows were in the target at different angles. So I threw it through paper n there was that 1" left low tear. Playing with my rest I moved it right and again ran into the hoyt shelf... so that started giving me clearance issues. I dont want to accept having my rest that far right and have my nock point 3/4" higher than normal... my right yoke really doesnt have any twists in it. Left yoke had been played with... im going to press it on my own and play with it.. i have moved my rest back to center shot 13/16... i have my arrow through the Berger with 1/8" nock high... timing seems fine. I checked and checked my form, draw length, facial pressure, grip, release, nock pinch.
What are my options here? Looking for help... brace height is slightly off from tune chart. Currently 6 3/16 supposed to be 5 7/8.
Axle to axle is 32 15/16 on left and 33 on right. Specs says 32 7/8....
Help is appreciated...
Have you checked how much pressure/ gap there is between the string and string stop? I have had that wreak havoc before especially if it is geooved and not flat.

You should be able to set your nock level or just a bit high, not sure about the Carbon defiant, but a lot of Hoyts like the bottom edge of the arrow through the center of the berger hole.

Once your nock is set you can play with the cam timing to get the vertical tear out. Try advancing the top cam and see what that does.

Are you shooting the same arrows as last year?
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p-ham gave you some good suggestions.
I would start over w centershot and nock point. Check timing again...dead even or top hitting ahead slightly. Check rest timing if using a dropaway. Check cam starting position compared to factory reccomendations. It seems odd that your BH is so long but ATA is close to spec.
Top cam should lean just enough so that if you put an arrow on the left side of the cam it will cross the string at the D-loop. Center shot should be 13/16" like you have it.

At least that's where all of the ones I've tuned have been or really close to that.
Have you checked how much pressure/ gap there is between the string and string stop? I have had that wreak havoc before especially if it is geooved and not flat.

You should be able to set your nock level or just a bit high, not sure about the Carbon defiant, but a lot of Hoyts like the bottom edge of the arrow through the center of the berger hole.

Once your nock is set you can play with the cam timing to get the vertical tear out. Try advancing the top cam and see what that does.

Are you shooting the same arrows as last year?
Thanks for the reply. My string is just barely touching the string stop.. i rotated the pad to make sure it has even contact.
I did reset everything to my center shot so when the press comes i can yoke tune n time cams. Yeah same arrows 300 spine vap tko 100 tip n 95 gr insert. We tried a lighter tip n heavier tip with no change.
Yeah i dont know what to think
p-ham gave you some good suggestions.
I would start over w centershot and nock point. Check timing again...dead even or top hitting ahead slightly. Check rest timing if using a dropaway. Check cam starting position compared to factory reccomendations. It seems odd that your BH is so long but ATA is close to spec.

Yeah I dont know what to think. Im suspicious about my qad hxz... it was served in what i feek is a little to early. I drew a line where my arrow was on the rest at full draw. Then marked an inch earlier on the arrow to see where the rest hits 90 deg... It ended up hitting 90 at least 4" before my 1" mark so idk if that means 5" of arrow is going through the rest before it drops away? I am debating about ordering a new rest vs just getting a replacement time cable and setting it longer as my current one was burnt and served in.
Top cam should lean just enough so that if you put an arrow on the left side of the cam it will cross the string at the D-loop. Center shot should be 13/16" like you have it.

At least that's where all of the ones I've tuned have been or really close to that.
Yeah i did that and it seems to cross at my nock point.. but i know ive more of a left cam lean at idle than i do now. But thats part of the reason i replace strings more frequently cuz the top cam eats my serving.
Can you guys give me some tips on retiming those cams on my bow?
No I never did... I now own an Rx4 turbo. Just wiped my hands clean. To be honest though. I think alot of my consistent issues are tied to my arrows. Vap tkos 300 spine with the 95gr insert. My draw length was 29 and i cut my arrow length to 29. Those inserts add almost and inch to my arrow and i was seeing weak spine signs. Shortened my arrow up and things tuned up very quickly.
Thanks for checking in.
I know this thread is dead, but in the past i've cleaned up hard-to-diagnose sideways tears by adjusting the rest vertically. May be useful to someone in the future... Perhaps someone more knowledgeable than I can explain why this works.
Alright I was having a very similar problem. I have a 2017 carbon defiant 30 set @69#s. My dl is 29 inches and my Easton match grade axis 300 spine arrows are cut to 29 inches. I have a 50 grain brass insert up front with a 100 grain field point. On the back end I have a vinyl wrap with 4 AAE max stealth vanes and a lumenok. My total arrow is around 530 grains.
I was getting the dreaded left tear and tried alot of things to get rid of it. I check for contact issues, checked my form, added and subtract 1/2" to my dl, moved the rest in every direction and nothing helped. The only way I got rid of it was to set my cam timing, set center shot at 3/4" , check ATA and brace height are dead on. THEN MOST IMPORTANT of all I yoke tuned( added twists to left and took out of right side) until when I held a bare shaft arrow on the left side of the top cam, the tip of the field point intersected the string right at my peep sight!!! I don't have alot of experience tuning so this seemed like too much but it is the solution!! My buddy has a 2017 pro defiant 34 and was also having this issue until he set his cam lean up like that as well. I'm not sure why Hoyt would released a top end bow that needs that much cam lean to tune but that's the only thing that worked for me. I tried everything else besides shining my cams to the left .... Anyways hope that helps
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