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Looking back on life


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2021
I got to ak near 40 years ago. We built our home raised our kids living the dream. Our home is often visited by moose. In the winter you have to be pretty careful. A few bears cruise through had a lynx this spring. We have wildlife around us. And the outdoors is just a natural passion.
So a couple years back asked a fellow who knows me. Seems like I kinda took getting out a bit more to heart han others. He gave me a curious look n says yeah you could say that.
I kinda feel like a beaver in this way. But it's a great feeling. We staked 20 acres of state recreational land and built a log cabin. What would seem like a lot of work was just more fun . Yeah it took effort but I was outside. My beautiful wife handled the finances. And supported me. In many ways. She didn't doesnt like seeing me go out on my own and would come help. I now look back n realize that the confidence she has in me. She has foot problems n can't walk much. And when we are out, like miles from any roads or folks or phones any time of year and something breaks. Machines break n get stuck. Usually both. I know realize her heart must be in her throat. As I look at her n say " baby you're going to have to sit here while I go get whatever it is I can't fix in the bush.
I know I get a rush when I get dropped off on a remote lake and watch the plane take off. Hers must be the opposite. But she trusts me . Loves me enough to be willing to sit in the middle of nowhere Alaska by herself. So that i can pursue my dreams. Middle of non frozen months with a kazillion biting bugs n biting n stomping critters all around. Or middle of the winter on snogos in really deep snow. Usually no trail.
And after 40 years we've seen n done some beautiful things together. She trusted my outdoors experience. Together with our family. And way back before cell phones.
I could go on. But having a great best friend as my beautiful wife. And living in a land where I can still do this. And dream of passing it on to my grandfamily.
But without public lands that are available for folks like me. Where a fellow can still go exploring. And respecting our lands. I would not have this.
A couple pictures of our cabin we built together. On 20 acres that I was able to select and stake. In the middle of millions of acres of wild public lands. With public access.
Just doing my thing


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That is amazing! I don't think that you can do that anymore in AK, right? Stake land? My wife and I were dreaming that it would be a great way to retire. We are in MT and love the outdoors and the hard work that it takes and the simplicity that it provides.
Awesome for you. It's a God blessed life when you live a dream. Mine has always been on the beach.

No, I'm not surfer Dude, but the sound of the ocean calms me.

That and there are a boat load of critters to play Hide & Seek with.
That is amazing! I don't think that you can do that anymore in AK, right? Stake land? My wife and I were dreaming that it would be a great way to retire. We are in MT and love the outdoors and the hard work that it takes and the simplicity that it provides.
Yes . Alaskans can still go stake in selected areas. And there are over the counter sales for land also. If interested go to ak dnr land sales
Seems like for the last 40 years you have been doing what a lot of people say but really aren’t doing LIVING THE DREAM! Good for you
thanks for sharing. Beautiful pictures
Hey thanks folks. But I'm probably not a lot different than lots of folks around here. Just a guy who has always just had a passion for the outdoors. Being in the woods looking at every tree, getting joy from seeing unique trees. Identifying the plants n how to use them , my beautiful wife n me used to take our kids out collecting samples for her garden.
Living on the end of the road with what used to be the end of the road allowed me, us to leave right from home so pretty easy. Having moose in our yard all winter can be dangerous but seeing the wildlife is always good. I practice moose calls in our yard.
Yeah I'm happy with life. But just a guy who got up n went to work every day. Had some enjoyable jobs. Worked hard n played hard.
Still I look back n can't help but think about how blessed my life turned out. And is going to keep turning out.
I also believe that we have a responsibility to try to share a bit about our experiences n what we have learned. So happy to have like minded folks like you all to learn from. So hope I don't get too carried on at times.
As long as I have public lands to do these things. And our government doesn't protect me so much that I can't.
Hello folks. Life keeps on trucking for sure. Been a record year for snow I think.
I worked n played hard n now showing a bit of wear. Still have the same drive to be out. Wish I was out setting traps for lynx n beaver but missed out. And this was the first year I didn't get to hunt from our cabin. Still recovering from breaking my neck. That kinda hurt. But I've got the best family in the world so we're ok.
Looking back, I got to spend more time hanging out with our grandson. Never could have realized how much joy a little boy could add to our lives. And now I have a new outdoors buddy. So looking forward more than back again.
His mama is letting him venture a bit more. We went for a short trail,ride cross country the other day. He started out scared. Got more scared when he broke threw ice into 2' of water n overflow. Cried a bit n got back on that little snogo. We saw a dozen or so moose. A pair of bald eagles enjoying a moose dinner. 3 different mountain ranges. Denali was out in her full glory. I could ride in a tee shirt n shades. Living a dream that I've had a kazillion times. Except this was real.
We missed the super bowl but I've not watched for a couple years. This was a better fit for my family anyhows. And now being able to pass the torch. Our daughter checked trail conditions before she took us out. When her son went threw overflow she got him out before he could get wet. She wore boots full of water that day so she could keep her feet from freezing. And make sure her family came first. Listening to her as we visit about the condition of the moose. She has noticed there coat. And they are looking good. Dark shiney smooth. Round belly. Hair on their shins isn't torn up from the ice. Local browse has been mowed but plenty enough to make winter. Eagles were fat n happy. Ravens were ravens
Soon we will be able to watch them as they drop from the sky , locked together in their mating ritual. For hundreds of feet. Spring is here. Our neighbor called my beautiful wife to ask about the dude blowing snow with no shirt on. Still working on our daughter so we can do some cabin time yet this year. And bring the boy. And Nana too. I have a couple thousand pounds of freight to get out there yet this spring too.
And it's getting time to go n look for moose antler drops, fiddlehead ferns, morals n such. If you want some tinture from devils club roots now is the time. Be ready for the grayling run on mothers day.
Yeah looking back is great. But always looking forward towards more great memories all the time. They're out there.
Just gotta go get em , it'll be worth the time n the effort counts as much as the rest. This is why I enjoy reading about others outdoors experiences, folks enjoying our public lands. And helping others, while enjoying the walkabout themselves.
You all,ever just take time to reminisce ? What say you, any stories
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