Longer range practice on pubic


Well-known member
Mar 18, 2019
Not a ton of public around me, and my local range is only 100 yards, so to help my GF get ready for antelope season we need to practice past a hundred.

Problem I run into, the best public spot I can think of, large hill for a stop no houses close for safety, is also one of my main archery spots for deer.

Is it foolish to use this spot for practice? I'm leaning away from it, but there is a decent amount of time before season?

Other pubic around are fairly flat, so poor choice for practice...
I wouldn't worry about it if the deer season opened next weekend. Heck, we have antelope and deer show up 50 yds in front of the firing line with over 100 people shooting the Nationals and everyone of them is using a caliber that starts with a 4.

Probably every second or third year, a relay has to be halted and someone has to go out and run the thing off. And these are hunted populations. Just not in July.

I wouldn't worry about it if the deer season opened next weekend. Heck, we have antelope and deer show up 50 yds in front of the firing line with over 100 people shooting the Nationals and everyone of them is using a caliber that starts with a 4.

Probably every second or third year, a relay has to be halted and someone has to go out and run the thing off. And these are hunted populations. Just not in July.


Haha! Well alright, if that ain't convincing I don't know what is!
Yea I shoot lots of places that I hunt sometimes. That’s how you get the deer used to hearing gunshots and then come season they will just stand there if you miss. ;)
I wouldn't worry about it if the deer season opened next weekend. Heck, we have antelope and deer show up 50 yds in front of the firing line with over 100 people shooting the Nationals and everyone of them is using a caliber that starts with a 4.

Probably every second or third year, a relay has to be halted and someone has to go out and run the thing off. And these are hunted populations. Just not in July.

They know you can't hit them with those antique rifles. :LOL: mtmuley
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