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LOLA & quail


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
northeast Iowa
Purchased 100 day old quail chicks last Monday. Doubled in size and only lost 3 chicks so far. Starting to show feathers.

LOLA (Wirehaired Pointing Griffon) is growing fast and looks good. She's now 5 1/2 months old. She's coming around. "come" command is coming along... still not perfect. We practice "whoa" everyday... only for a short time period. She loves to retrieve!!! Just needs to bring it "to hand". Any suggestions will be welcome... remember she's still a pup and maybe time will make this better. I can not remember since it's been 12 years since training my other bird dogs. Still haven't tried her in water (I'll wait til it warms up a little bit) :)

Good luck to all
the dog


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Man she's a SHAGGY dog! I love it.

I personally wouldn't worry to much about retreiving to hand until you're ready to force fetch her. Henry was a PITA about reliably bringing birds to hand, but now he's an absolute machine. You'll know by working with her if you think she's ready this year, or if you need to wait until next. I didn't force fetch until 1.5 years old.
Nice dog .....Dog!
So where do you plant your quail?, on your place?
Brining to hand > as she enjoys fetching, easy part is in place. I like to catch them in the act?
Note: I have never used e collars.

When Lola has the dummy on a fetch return - approach her quick before she gets to you! with the fetch it here fetch it here, then grab it!
Then love her up and let her know that is where the return happens. You get it to me and my hands you get lots of love!@

Q: Assuming she is dropping the bumper before she gets to you?
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Actually the comes back with the dummy and runs in circles around me..... as in "I got it and you ain't gonna get it". It's all a game to her.

I have a flight pen and never release them until late fall. I find that alfalfa fields or short crp fields work best for plants. I "flag" the birds so that I know where they are located. I just take them out as needed and use them for trailing, scent, retrieving and pointing. I can re-use most of them. LOLA is scheduled for her NAVHDA "natural ability" test in late August.

Thanks for the advice JLS & Put.

PS: how did Henry's injury turn out. Healed well I assume?

good luck to all
the dog
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Was afraid of play game, but figured you would not let her do that.
1 - separate game time from train time.
2 - If she does that next time during training time - put her right back in her kennel or just take away the bumper. Wait an hour. Try again.
This time, back up and keep backing up while you command : here! fetch here! Even utilize a whistle= pop it off and make your sessions a bit more formal.
I know nothing about training a dog, but I'm hoping I "have" to learn in the next year...

Love the look of LOLA! The shaggy, wirehaired breeds are a favorite of mine. Good luck!
When Lola is running towards you with the bumper, turn away from her and kneel. She should seek your face and show the bumper to you.

Henry did this with birds some the first year. Once I had to run away from him in the field to get him to run to me and quit grab assing around. I use an e-collar on Henry, but I use it very sparingly in training, usually a quick zap on the lowest level to get his attention. Certainly nothing that makes him yelp unless he is deliberately disobedient.

Henry healed up very well and I am really looking forward to the fall. We have progressed light years on his retreiving on land. As soon as it warms up we'll do some intensive water work and by September I should have one awesome hunting dog!
When Lola is running towards you with the bumper, turn away from her and kneel. She should seek your face and show the bumper to you.

Henry did this with birds some the first year. Once I had to run away from him in the field to get him to run to me and quit grab assing around. I use an e-collar on Henry, but I use it very sparingly in training, usually a quick zap on the lowest level to get his attention. Certainly nothing that makes him yelp unless he is deliberately disobedient.

Henry healed up very well and I am really looking forward to the fall. We have progressed light years on his retreiving on land. As soon as it warms up we'll do some intensive water work and by September I should have one awesome hunting dog!

Excellent feedback JLS.More. Work her sit / stay at the breakfast / lunch and dinner table. If she breaks - pick that bowl up. NO SOUP FOR YOU!


Third, Train in a hallway!!!!!! What i do - one way in one way out = when they are 3- 5 months works well! Then move it outside.

(i am working alongside ya - developing a lab pup right now that is 4 months, very pleased so far)
Good luck!

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