We’re coming up on the end of Wolf season. It’s the second time in history that there was a regulated wolf hunt in the lower 48 United States. The first being in 2009, before the Simpson/Tester delisting rider passed congress.
It's been interesting to watch the adjustments made at the Commission level, from the elimination of hunter orange after the big game season to using hunters to help remove problem wolves, to extending the Bitterroot season until April 1st. Some of it makes sense, like extending the general season to February 15th, in the hopes of adding a few more wolves to the quota. Others tested our collective conscience of what it means to be an ethical hunter.
The West Fork of the Bitterroot is ground zero in the wolf saga of Montana. That iconic herd of elk has crashed, and crashed hard. There are a number of reasons why that crash happened, and yes, wolves had something to do with it. But a little known law had more to do with it. The law, HB 42 passed in 2003 required FWP to manage “at or below” objectives for elk. The Legislature mandated that we manage below carrying capacity. Like it was as easy as passing a bill.