Lightweight blackpowder measure/ dispenser


New member
Aug 1, 2011
Im doing a backcountry backpack hunt and new to BP, looking for suggestions on a reliable yet lightweight blackpowder measure and dispenser, and canisters to hold extra premeasured charges.? Using loose 777, 120gr, thanks
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Reliable? Not sure there. I've a bunch of different types of speed loaders, similar to the ones linked above. I don't trust any of them, and always put a piece of masking tape over the powder end to make sure the lid stays closed. I've had more than one come open on me. I like the clear ones that hold powder/bullet you can measure powder directly with them. I usually take 4 speed loaders ready to go, as well as a small nalgene bottle (4oz size) of powder. In wet/damp conditions I generally unload every night and reload in the AM.

A CO2 unloader is also a good idea, and/or bring the breach plug wrench. Nothing worse than needing to tear down and not having the tools.
I bought a bunch of plastic tubes with screw on caps. I think they are called "Lanes powder tubes"

Small holds a bullet and 2 primers, the large up to 150 grains of powder.
I tape them together, carry two extra loads in my pocket, and a dozen more in my pack.

No powder measure is heavy. I don't know exactly what you are looking for, but the best thing that you can do is to pre-measure your charges and put them in speed loaders, which weight virtually nothing. Thirty of them would not weigh enough to even care.

Consider Alliant Black MZ powder also, I used 777 for a long time and I will not use it again after using the Alliant.
See : Bambi and A-con advice here. I take 3 speed loaders ready to roll when I have gone.
I have never had one come open. Reliable container and reliable pocket so it is secure and easy access is key!

Take your measure / powder to camp - refill if/when required. > Heck - suggest making yourself a kit = an ammo box / waterproof , place your BP gear patches / bullets / pullers / the un-loaders / speed loaders / cleaners, etc in it and its ready to go everywhere.
I pre load about 5 speed loaders ahead of time,,,another route you could go is to take a piece of deer horn,add a string to use as a neclace,then drill the hole to hold your increment of powder,,,drill a little at a time till it holds the amount of grains you desire.
thanks, was lucky enough to draw CO mule and elk, so bought some gear and my poison is now a cva accura, powerbelt platinum .338gr and 120 gr of loose 777. - 10 shots so far and I like the accuracy at 100 yrds. I picked up 25EA 10ML tubes with screw on caps and plan to premeasure, how many loads do you guys typically bring with on say a weeklong backpack hunt? thanks

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