Caribou Gear

Leupold 15x56 BX-5 my thoughts


Active member
Nov 14, 2017
Tucson, AZ
I bought a pair of Leupold 15x56 BX-5 binos because I couldn't pass up the ridiculous deal on Europtic ($799). After using it in the field a little today I thought I'd share my impressions.

First, some background. I have a lot of time behind Swaro 15x56 SLC, a very brief look through Meopta 15x56 and some decent time behind Vortex Razor 12x50. These binos replace a pair of Diamondback 12x50.

I am very impressed with these binos and they will be my primary glass for Coues hunting. I glassed up a pair of bucks today at 1.5mi away, able to clearly see the antlers but not get a good gauge on size. I closed the distance to about a mile and was able to see it was a 3x2 and a forkie. I'm happy with the Leupolds, they will definitely do the job.

I would rank them behind the Swaros and the Meopta from memory, but the difference is very small and definitely not worth the money (for me) to jump up to the Swaros.

Regular price on the Leupolds puts it inline with the price of the Meopta, I would buy the Meopta rather than buy the Leupold at full price. But for $799 it's a steal IMHO!!

Just my thoughts, hope that helps someone
I ended up picking ordering one from Euro Optic. For the price I figure if I don't like them I can sell them and I'm not really out much. BTW Leupold has an offer going through Sunday where if you buy a Santiam bino or spotter you can get a free tripod they claim is worth like $380.
I ended up picking ordering one from Euro Optic. For the price I figure if I don't like them I can sell them and I'm not really out much. BTW Leupold has an offer going through Sunday where if you buy a Santiam bino or spotter you can get a free tripod they claim is worth like $380.
Does that work through EuroOptic or does it have to be MSRP?
I just ordered my binos today and have to wait for them to get here to submit the form for the tripod because you need the serial number. From what I can tell from looking at it it'll work just fine buying from Euro Optic. There's even a link to the form from the listing on Euro Optic.
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I needed a new tripod. Wanted some good 15x binos. I just ordered from Europtic.

Still the single most expensive piece of hunting equipment I've bought, just didn't make sense not to at that price.
Well, my binos showed up today. They seem nice, although I won't be able to properly put them through their paces until I get out to West Kansas next weekend for my muzzleloader hunt. I'm thinking they'll work quite nicely for glassing whitetail racks in those huge sorghum fields.

I submitted the rebate request on the Leupold website, and got an email saying it had been accepted and to allow 8-10 weeks for delivery of the tripod.

Seems like a dang good deal to me.
I got mine today. My first impression is that they're pretty good glass, but I wouldn't quite put them up there with true alpha glass. Theyre a little soft around the edges for my liking. Definitely worth the price at ~ $800, but if they were much over$1k I'd probably just get the Meoptas or Zeiss or just go all in and get the Swaros. For as much as I'll use 15's these will do just fine. That said, I need to get some time behind them in the field to see how they really perform under various weather and lighting conditions.
Theyre a little soft around the edges for my liking. Definitely worth the price at ~ $800, but if they were much over$1k I'd probably just get the Meoptas or Zeiss or just go all in and get the Swaros.

I totally agree, that's how I look at it as well. I wouldn't pay the full $1400 for them, I'd go Meopta for basically the same price.
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